Weight and Relationships


Gold Member

Although approached in a lighthearted way this site actually talks a hell of a lot of sense. I've been in a revolving door relationship for 2 years which i know i have comfort eaten about; i've now just dumped that extra weight after finally seeing the light thanks to this website :D
Wow what a good website! Ive been on and off with the guy I tought was the 1 for nearly 4 whole yrs!! I thought it was "MR Big and Carrie" and we'd get there in the end. He came and told me he wanted it bk after 5 mths of seperation after a yr of being together. Just 3 wks in and its over! I am NOT comfort eating this time HELLL NO lol!!
It's a bit of a revelation when you read it itsn't it? What really got me as well is when she says they kinda think there must be something up with you if you still want them cos deep down they know they are treating yo like **** and you shouldn't want them. Mine declared undying love in November again after a break over the summer telling me all the things he new i wanted to hear .. and then just before xmas he goes all silent and back on the merry go round we go. But I have no seen the light!
I know just what u mean. It only took him 3wks to drop the mask this time tho!