Just had to post this. I'm 2 weeks on the Dukan journey since yesterday and loving it so far. I lost 5 lbs in attack, then weighed self yesterday am to find I'd lost another 3 lbs in my first week of cruise, absolutely thrilled I was. Had my usual homemade veg soup, half a green pepper and some fine beans yesterday it being PV day along with my usual amounts of protein. I decided I'd weight myself this morning just out of curiosity..Well I can tell you, curiosity nearly killed this cat!!! A gain of 4 lbs. I nearly fainted. Now I know from reading the book and looking at this forum that most people don't weigh themselves after a PV day but I couldn't help it. Def won't be doing that again. Am now petrified that the 3 lbs loss was just a fluke. Will try my hardest not to weigh self till next Sunday. I was kinda expecting a gain of maybe a pound but most definitely not 4..Any thoughts? Thanks for reading
Just had to post this. I'm 2 weeks on the Dukan journey since yesterday and loving it so far. I lost 5 lbs in attack, then weighed self yesterday am to find I'd lost another 3 lbs in my first week of cruise, absolutely thrilled I was. Had my usual homemade veg soup, half a green pepper and some fine beans yesterday it being PV day along with my usual amounts of protein. I decided I'd weight myself this morning just out of curiosity..Well I can tell you, curiosity nearly killed this cat!!! A gain of 4 lbs. I nearly fainted. Now I know from reading the book and looking at this forum that most people don't weigh themselves after a PV day but I couldn't help it. Def won't be doing that again. Am now petrified that the 3 lbs loss was just a fluke. Will try my hardest not to weigh self till next Sunday. I was kinda expecting a gain of maybe a pound but most definitely not 4..Any thoughts? Thanks for reading