** Chief WITCH **
I thought I'd classify this question "Consolidation", so as not to confuse any newcomers, but this subject was raised yesterday in another post:
Atropos - or indeed anyone - each time I move into Conso, I regain weight immediately, sometimes quite a lot. From the above explanation re losing our glycogen stores in attack and while in ketosis, it's therefore "normal" to regain some when we come out of ketosis (thinking about next week for me!) and have carbs again in Conso phase.
Yet I watched closely when Anja, Robin and DD moved in, and they didn't suffer the same weight hike I always do. This is one of the things which always messed up my early Consos as I then didn't dare reintroduce (ok he's adapted the programme since my last time - so no longer 2 x starches and 2 x galas from week 1 which was obviously too much for the system!). But this constant gain always made me start cutting back, depriving myself so as not to gain as much, while seeing others not gaining, and eventually I'd lose the plot.
Any comments? Advice? Why me more than some others?
There is a kind of energy supply - glycogen - which is stored in the muscles and liver - which is used for quick release energy, the sort you need for a race, or to outrun a sabre tooth tiger.
The problem is that in ketosis you have no glycogen store - it is the disappearance of glycogen which causes the sudden drop in weight during attack.
Atropos - or indeed anyone - each time I move into Conso, I regain weight immediately, sometimes quite a lot. From the above explanation re losing our glycogen stores in attack and while in ketosis, it's therefore "normal" to regain some when we come out of ketosis (thinking about next week for me!) and have carbs again in Conso phase.
Yet I watched closely when Anja, Robin and DD moved in, and they didn't suffer the same weight hike I always do. This is one of the things which always messed up my early Consos as I then didn't dare reintroduce (ok he's adapted the programme since my last time - so no longer 2 x starches and 2 x galas from week 1 which was obviously too much for the system!). But this constant gain always made me start cutting back, depriving myself so as not to gain as much, while seeing others not gaining, and eventually I'd lose the plot.
Any comments? Advice? Why me more than some others?