What do you all think about 1 naughty meal per week?


Full Member
I've been on this diet for a week now and I've just had a naughty meal.
I thought it would be a good idea for every Wednesday to eat one meal of anything I want.. to kinda get it out my system and to have something to look forward to.
What do you all think?
its a great idea, i did it for a while on Saturdays, going out for lunch or dinner with hubby and having a really nice meal. BUT I was still very careful about what i ate. it wasnt a free for all. We havnt done it recently as ive been on holiday and we joined a spa where we spend most of our weekends now, but i do plan to start doing it again soon.

Can I make a suggestion? Dont have your naughty meal at home, go out to eat and once you step back through your front door again, close the door on naughty eating too. That way you wont be tempted to just eat a bit more and bit more, and the meal you have will be restricted to the portion you are served. Also, it just makes it a bit more special if you go out for your meal, more of a celebration of what you have achieved all week.
Thank you Lynn!
Excellent suggestion, i will be doing that.
Thank you for replying... i don't feel so bad now! :p
Most definitely a good idea. Technical reason I believe is that it kick starts the old motabolism which may have begun to slow as your body gets used to reduced intake.

Personally, I could live without the snacks knowing I was having a nice chicken kebab on a Saturday night.

Kebabs | Articles | GMTV

Have a look at the above. It IS possible to feel naughty, have a takeaway kebab but not completely derail yourself.
oh yes! I agree that having a chicken kebab is a wonderful treat! There is a kebab house near me that does wonderful ones. The chicken pieces are marinated in a spicy mix then grilled on their flame griller, served in a toasted pitta bread packed with fresh salad and finely chopped cabbage, with a bit of chilli sauce and yoghurt, its heavenly. There cant be barely any fat in it, and tastes wonderful, just a shame the pittas they serve are invariably white bread, but even so, for a treat its low calorie heaven and realy filling, i doubt i could eat a whole one now.

I may have to have one of those soon!
Thanks Alex, I'm so happy others are doing it too.
Thank you for the article on kebabs... I will be trying a chicken one on my next naughty meal.
You're before and after picture is amazing, You look great!
def do it im having my treat meal tonight as i weighed myself this morning so everything i crave im eating tonight. i have done it for a while and it really works. enjoy your meal
I love the advice in this thread. (Day 2 and I'm thinking about "naughty" meals already?!! LOL.)

I think planned "off plan treats" can be a good incentive to work at the bigger goal longer, and harder. Great advice to keep those treats an out-of-house experience, and I think Alex's technical reason has merit too ;)
I've been in the habit of eating lunch out a couple of times a week but think I might build it into my plan to do that every 10 days or something instead. And I'll eat something close'ish to plan...The treat will be in the eating out and having someone else make and serve it....and do the dishes of course! :D