What do you all think?


Full Member
I've got 2 weeks left of slim and save now! It's been amazing and I always said I would only do the 12 weeks to give me a kick start then lose the rest slower. I'm really struggling to stick to plan now. I had a couple of weekends where I went out and drank alcohol and came off plan a bit! I still (amazingly) lost somehow I don't know, but since then I've been cheating every week :(

So my question is this. I finish s&s on 24th dec, going to refeed over Xmas, then the question is whether to continue with s&s or start dukan? If I do dukan I will be at goal weight by may/June. I imagine if I do s&s I will reach it quicker but I am struggling to stick to it now, so don't know if I could continue? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thanks ladies :) x
I think you know the answer, you've said as much in your post - and you know it's really not viable longer term to "cheat" on a ketogenic plan and acheive success. You've got away with it so far which is great but doesn't really give a true impression of what happens coming out and going back into ketosis. I'm wondering though, the cheating - is it just that head thing that takes over and you rebel and really must have something forbidden? Is it a need to eat more substance that the plan gives? I'm asking as I've had those moments in the last few weeks, I've had a real desire just to put more food into my mouth and have a meal that fits on a dinner plate. The thing with me though, I'm pretty much terrified of coming out of ketosis and not being able to get back in again (another issue I need to work on I know!) so all my "cheats" have been on plan cheats - I've done 5 packs, an extra bar, 4 packs and protein, 200g of protein, cheese etc. I know it's slowed my losses down (this week excepted, I didn't eat enough as I have flu) but I have still had that psychological boost from cheating. Gosh, that's so wrong, just reading that back, no wonder I got so big, getting so much pleasure from eating too much!

The best piece of advice anyone ever gave me that's stayed in my head ever since - Time passes anyway, it's up to us how we choose to use it. I think you plan is a sound one, go back in Jan to do Dukkan, if it doesn't suit or you're not as happy with the losses then come back to S&S :)
I was 100% for 9 weeks, it's literally just the last 2 weekends that I have struggled. I was the same as you I was so scared to eat anything because I didn't want to come out of ketosis and damage my losses, but I knew in my head that on 24th nov I had a girly night out that I'd been waiting for for ages so I was kind of working towards that? Also I am confused as to whether I feel like this because Christmas is coming up and I am nearly finishing my 12 weeks.

I think I've found I am more hungry at the moment because I have come out of ketosis, so it makes it harder to stick to the 4 packs a day. I may try and do 3 packs and protein in eve, coz that is when I want to cave. I don't know :( I've never lost this much weight on a diet so I don't want to just change the diet when I know this one works. Do you know what I mean? I was scared to even eat normal food a couple of weeks ago x
It is probably you're head aying games because it knows it is coming towards the end. I believe that Dukan is also ketogenic so certain types of cheat will also have as bad an impact. However, if you are enthusiastic about Dukan then it might keep you on the straight and narrow. I don't think the speed of loss is as important as the fact that it keeps going in the right direction. Just choose the plan you think you'll find it easiest to stick to. Good luck!