What do you eat for lunch whilst at work..?

I always go to the bakery next door and get a sandwich, usually tuna salad or egg salad on brown bread with no butter on it but I'm getting really bored of them now and wondering what other people have for their lunch? Do you find it easier to go and buy something or do you take something in with you?

Obviously the healthier and lower the cals the better and the more filling the better too as I'm on my feet all day and if I dont eat enough I start to feel faint

We dont have anything to heat anything up in our staff room otherwise I'd take in some soup or something all we have is a fridge so unless I buy something hot I have no choice but to buy or take cold food.


I tend to always have chicken salad from co-op. Sundried tomato marinated chicken with pasta, lettuce and tomatoes. Totally delicious, very filling and only 275 calories! They cost about £2 which is pretty much the same as a sarnie.

sharon xoxo
Hmm I don't eat meat but will eat tuna - we dont have a co op
theres loads of bakerys and a tesco express near by though or I can buy stuff and make it at home to take, I was thinking about taking a salad with plenty of leaf and tomatos and tuna but not sure it'll be filling enough but adding a bit of pasta to it might be a good idea just hard to tell how many calories it'll be if I make it myself
I hate lunch at work!! I have a m/wave, toaster, fridge etc, but never really get time to do anything. I don't take an official lunch break, as I am always busy at the time and prefer to go home earlier! I used to bring a wholemeal roll with a tablespoon of peanut butter, but wanted a break from bread. I brought WW soups but couldn't be bothered to go warm them up, so am now resorting to cereal as I have a mini-fridge in my office!! On the days where I have nothing here, my nearest option is Waitrose who don't sell low-fat/cal sandwiches, so I usually buy some crackers and extra light Philly.
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I don't have anywhere to heat up hot food at work either but in the winter I like to take in hot soup in a flask - it's a nice change to have something warming!
Yes it stays hot. The trick is to pour boiling water in first to heat up the metal (I use a stainless steel flask) and for some reason I swear it stays hotter if you rest the flask on its side not stand it up but I don't know why that is!!
LOL! I've found that too! Plus if you have a wide neck one you can take in stews as well.
Adding pasta to a salad in easy- just cook the amount you want (or have calories for) and add it in. The nutritional info is usually on the pack. Choose wholegrain if you can? Nuts are lovely in salads too though? And good for you!
Can't eat nuts am allergic!
Off to buy some nice leaf type salad and tomatos and such tomorrow and I have some pasta in the cupboard and see what I can make up.
Wondering if you can eat quorn chicken style pieces cold or if it would be yuk hmm lol

Like the idea of taking the soup in a flask too =)
Coat the corn in cajun/barbecue seasoning, cook it and chill & it'll be lovely! You can be quite adventurous with salads- add dried fruits, baby potatoes, sweetcorn, bacon bits, croutons etc and you'd have an endless variety.
Soups still my favourite though- especially in this weather!