What do you eat when you're low on cals but hungry?!

Yup, sticks of carrots, pepper etc are good! Or I've got a load of homemade soup in freezer that's about 70cals for a great big bowl. Ryvita, cottage cheese, tomato and a sprinkle of black pepper. Twister ice lolly, only 40 cals!
snack a jack cheese .. the big ones as they are only 38 cals each or if I'm more peckish then a quorn ham (2 slices) sandwich using 2 WW danish bread slices and 1 laughing cow light triangle = 155 cals (or just do the same but use rye crackerbread instead for slightly lower cals :) )
First thing I do (and I know this sounds SO cliche) is drink a litre of water. Give it ten minutes and then decide if I AM hungry. And on days I'm not exercising, and really have to keep my calories low, I drink, drink, drink water AND make sure I've a cup of tea on the go the whole time. Plan my meals so I know what I'm eating and when, and drink, drink, drink inbetween times. It amazed me how quickly this became second nature, and really not a hassle at all :)