What exercise?


Needs to stick to it!!!
Im just wondering what exercise if any, that everyone is doing? Im thinkin that if i do indeed start some that i might actually be able to keep up with high weight losses...i know last time i did this diet i kept to about 5lb loss per week(with no exercise) ..which i know is great...but..could you do more on a fairly regular basis with exercise? I know you couldnt do it every week..but..most weeks?

I have to say..the only thing i really hate doin is walking!!yuck..i feel way to self concious(sp) doing it...and i obviously wouldnt go swimmin' either or a gym lol...
:) I dont know the answer but I am sure that someone will soon be about to help.

I would be happy with 5lbs a week regularly but if you can increase it with exercise it would definately make me get my exercise bike out :)
sorry mags im a firm believer in walking for my first week i have lost 10 and half lbs. although i brought a punching bag from tesco for £10 speacial offer and that so much fun and keeps you moving.
or i find cleaning the house (which my housemate loves) burns off some calories.
alternativly if you have a partner maybe he can help burn a few calories lol

garcia24 x
HI, i'm only on week 4 but the exercise I am doing is:

3 times per week - 30 minute moderate paced walk on my treadmill

I have also just been given a free membership to a ladies only gym where the machines are all power assisted so you really tone up your body, so once i've got into the swing of it i'll have to let you know if it works! I plan to go 3 times per week.

Also just bought the new Latina size workout DVD, becasue I love dancing. I'll be doing that 2-3 per week!

Hopefully that wil help shift the pounds and tone my body.
Sounds like I'm similar to Sue, I go to Curves, which is women only, about 3 or 4 time a week, do 2 or 3 aerobic classes a week and walk on a treadmill for about 3 miles, twice a week. And I slob out at the weekend :)
No idea if it's quickening my weight loss but I think it's firming me up. I'd lost 2 inches of my waist and 3 off my hips in 3 weeks, but I've been going to Curves since September and have lost about 28 inches all told, bust, waist, abdomen, hips, thighs and upper arms, so well worth it