What is involved in CD? How does it work?


Keep smiling

I know I said in a different thread that I dont think I owuld like CD because you can eat on it but then I got to thinking that at least I would still be losing weight. It may be an easier diet for me a a way because I have the kids to cook for (as do quite afew of us) and so I thought that I don't know much about it so thought I would ask the experts!!

Also is Lighter Life the same as LT with a different name?
Cambridge Diet home page

This is a link to cd I think it will have info on here for you. I am doing ssing on cd which is basically the same as LT. I know there are programs you can do in which you can have a meal, but I have not looked them up as I am still a long way off.

LL is the same as LT but a couple more flavours and the therapy side of it too.
They all look very similar. I'd dare to say its the same principle, under different names. CD however seems to have a lot more flavours (some sound nice, i.e. butterscotch!) and some shakes ready to drink. I was initially considering CD, but I was put off by the fact you can only get it through a councillor. I am private like that, so I preferred just going to the chemist, buying my lot of sachets off I go until next week... Plus, LT is cheaper (at least in England, sorry Rachel!).

Having said that, I know my hubby would completely disagree on my dieting on shakes alone, plus I like food! So I am indeed following the 790 plan, but with the LT shakes, and seems to be working very well. I've lost about 3 pounds in the first week (ticker yet to be updated), which is a lot more than I expected!
Rach.... just browsing the CD forum, and these are all the flavours there are:

Chocolate Mint
Fruits of Forest
Toffee & Walnut

Ready Mades
Chocolate Velvet
Banana Bliss

Broccoli & Cheese
Chicken & Mushroom
Oriental Chilli

Double Chocolate
Malted Toffee

Summer Berry Water Flavourings
Sunshine Orange Water Flavourings
Savoury Vegetable

The CD site says it costs £34/£39 per week to SS depending on what products you have. I've just emailed a couple of CDCs local to me and am going to find out more. As long as the cost definitely isnt much higher I am going to change - will you just look at all those different things? I could very easily cope with my last 12 weeks with all those different flavours!!!! :)
That is what I was thinking to be honest. I can really start to feel my will weakening and it is just a waste of money if I am not going to do LT properly. Thank for the info girls I will go and see what this website says. x
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Hey you two - if you two swap over to CD....I will be following!! Keep me posted..Going to email a local CDC this am.....dont want to be left behind LOL LOL!!!
Girls - I DID IT!!!! I'm on CD!! Yay!

OK, so I spoke to my nearest CDC last night and went straight over to see her - its on a one-to-one basis which is fine, I would hate a group session. We got on really well too - lots of things in common, and she is going to do some amazing embroidered butterflies for the purple wedding gown I am working on - how fab!!

HOW many flavours of stuff are there?!? I cant wait for my brekkie, but I dont know whether to have a buttercotch shake, or a toffee walnut one, or a choccy covered bar? :D She gave me a piece of the choc/orange bar to try last night, it was so good. And the water flavourings are great too.

It wokrs out at I think £37.60 a week but I think the extra £7.60 is nothing compared to the relief I now feel about being able to taste different things. I was really starting to struggle with the LT flavours and was about to fall off the wagon I reckon.

GO FOR IT you two!!!
Thanks for letting us (did ask you the question on another thread so no need to respond again! LOL Sounds good....I am also sssOOOOOOO p***ed off with my skinny Chemist girl who has never had to lose weight...most CDCs have been through the programme. Hopefully my local CDC will be within driving distance.....

What are you doing Rachel - see there is one CDC in Northern Ireland? Wonder is it worth posting a question on the CD forum? so see if there are more...there appears to be only one near me but covering a huge area?
Doh! already answered that one! Go for it Bea, its almost like coming off dieting lol, its such a relief!
I'd pop a post on the CD forum to ask if I were you, someones bound to know!

Fingers crossed the psyllium husks work for you!
Thanks Elle, so do I, maybe there's another pound worth of losses hidden deep inside!!

Keep us posted about how you find the new flavours. They do sound yummy!

On another note, make sure you all apply for the free maintenance samples from LT, as cheap as they are in terms of website design, they're actually quite generous with the samples! I got three sachets for shakes and puddings, one bar and one sachet of fibre.
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Oh that a good tip...a few to have in reserve!!
I've been looking the Eurodiet site. It looks delicious!!! But for the price, it'd better be! (well, comparable to LT cost in NI!!) I only disagree with the so-called 'Mexican' chicken, but then again, I disaproove of anything that claims to be Mexican! Lol!! -nothing like the real thing, unlike tex-mex c**p- If I had the money, I'd give it a go!
Hi, I did send her an emial and she is on her holidays until the 28th so I will speak to her then but I have already decided to do it. I will let you all know the price as soon as I find out!! I can nearly bet that its more expensive over here but I will wait and see!! Bea did you find out the price?Sorry you might have answered that already.
Ok David just told me that the email that was in my account from Debz was a new one but I didnt know that because he had already read it! I have to eat my words about the price as it works out at £34.75 a week if I grasped her info correctly. She is indeed a moderator on here already (I did believe you linda honestly). As I said before she is on her hols until the 28th though so I have decided to have a break and eat sensibly until I start CD. I have another hen night and a wedding in between then anyway so it works out better I think. :):) I am very happy and actually a bit excited about my decision but I am not leaving the LT forum either girls!! Too bad!
Good to know you won't be abandoning us! This place would be completely deserted with everyone switching to CD! And brilliant news about it being cheaper! You should send a 'kind' email to LT letting them know that info!

Enjoy your rest from dieting, just please don't go on telling us about the meals you'll be having! Bad enough to deal with Elle telling us about her toffee shakes!
I wont I promise. I did mention chilli earlier on a diferent thread but I wont do it again. I will be back SSing soon enough and I am going to keep my carbs low and salad high.