What is the answer???


Full Member

I have been on the site many times in past doing various diets. Anyway, long and short of it is: I am back today and heavier than ever and in a total rut and feeling pants!

Am reading through the site looking for motivation and inspiration, of which there is just so so much, but to be honest my head just feels battered with it all! There is so many ways to lose weight, but after 20 years of dieting, I just don't know whats the right way for me - I clearly haven't found it, otherwise I would not be here!

Been messing about with WW for last few months, with no success. Lost weight with Atkins in past but could not face it again. Also did CD and CS with some success but piled wieght back on. Also done slimming world but dont really like.

I wish we almost had a checklist of every technique avavilable that we could use to decide whats best for us - but I know it would be pages and pages long and it would be like wading through treacle.

Anyway, wanted to say hi and ask what is it that is finally working for you - what is the answer for us all struggling so badly??

Cheers, Diz x
Hi there,
sorry to hear you're struggling.
I'm on slimming world and doing quite well. I've lost over a stone and a half since the end of february.
I don't know your situation of course, but I've tried in the past unsuccessfully, but now my head is in the right place. I think you will do it when you're really ready. But then, you have to fully commit to it.
Being in the right head space really does help.

Well done devotchka on your loss so far, that's brilliant!

dizzy, I am doing WW as I find that with restrictive diets I put the weight back on. This way I can have everything and just limit portion size to allow my body to loose. Hence when I go back on to "normal eating" I wont be shocking my body with both increased portion size and food groups. I think that pick one that you can ease yourself into just to get into the swing of things and then get on with it. By easing yourself into it over 2 or 3 days your nearly finished a week! Maybe not the perfect week but much better than the week before.

You want this and will get there. I was in this headspace a few weeks ago and just eased back into it over 3/4 days. First 24 pts, then 22, then 23 then down to 21 and I have been there most days. the odd day that I go over a couple I dont worry as I am not counting my exercise points. It's been 2 weeks and I think that tomorrow will bring another loss for me.

Set some easy and quick goals to start achieving like, water and exercise and then perhaps 2 pieces of fruit a day. Rather than the typical ones of 2 lbs this week etc or by a certain date I want to loose...

I mean sure it's great to set those goals but baby steps first as you want to succeed this time, AND YOU CAN AND WILL!

Keep us posted
