What is the best time to weigh?


Full Member
I have noticed that I have at least 4 to 5 lbs difference in weight depending on whether I weigh in in the morning or in the evening. I did my first weighing in the morning and trying to do it only in the morning. But sometimes when I check it in the evening its 5lbs more which is scary :mad:

So how do I keep track of how much weight I've lost?
I always weight myself first thing in the morning (after a trip to the loo :p ) and without clothes.

Weighing myself later in the day after I have drunk loads of water will show a hefty increase on the scales. :eek:

So always now just stick to mornings. :)

Deb x
Definitely weigh in the morning naked and after a pee. It is more reliable than in the evening and also you will weigh lighter (so definitely morning!).

Dizzy x
You're welcome, I weigh myself every morning and find that this is a very reliable measurement that I can trust. All the best!

Dizzy x
I go to my pharmacy......once a week to be weighed in the morning. I only take that scales as Gospel..........according to my own I am 2kg lighter...........but thats just my secret !!


While I was losing weight I always weighed on a Monday evening with my CDC, but since starting maintenance I stick to first thing in the morning..........naked.........not a pretty sight

For me the trick is to stick to just once a week - that way I see a nice weight loss and don't get too paranoid about those pesky scales

definately N and P naked and peeded !!!
You will always be lighter in the morning then you are in the evening. When I weigh myself I always do it at the same time of day. Never compare your weight between morning and evening as you will always be heavier in the evening even if you have not eaten.

Nick :)
Doesn't matter when you weigh- it's the consistency of when you weigh that's important. So if your initial weigh in (with your CDC or pharmacists or LLC) was morning, then stick with that.

If you weigh just for yourself then again, pick the same time, same place and same state of dress :p and that will give you a consistent answer :D