what week


Full Member
I've lost count I thought I was on week 2 but just worked out I start week 4 tomorrow omg it has flew by looking forward to weigh in tomorrow
Good luck Clair :)
Thanx guys I'm not worried about the amount I loose because I can now tell I've lost weight and have had 2 people telling me today hey hey what ever the scales say I'm still going to go all the way. I orginally started just to do it for 2 stone in 5 weeks but now I'm going to go for 5st and do it for as long as it takes
That's the spirit claire-louise. :)

I lose track of the weeks all the time so I know where you're coming from there.

Well done so far and it's great you've got the buzz enough to carry it on further. I'm glad it's working well for you.