When someone's starting weight is almost my target weight


Full Member
I know this so daft and I know each to their own but I find it strangely discouraging when I see someone roughly my height whose starting weight is something like 1st from/close to my target weight.

I know, I know...each to their own but in the mags there have been articles about people my height starting off 4st lighter than me (I have 5st to lose) and saying how they felt "huge" and that they were "miserable" and that their weight "was holding them back".

Just venting...no point to this post really!
It's good to have a vent now and then. I think a lot of us get this feeling, I know I do!

Everyone's unique though and we're all on different journeys so don't feel disheartened. Just do what's right for you :)
It's all relative. When I started, I'd have been over the moon to be 15 stone, as I see you started at, and when I got down to that weight (from 21.5st) I was absolutely delighted! Equally, I know people on here, in the WEMITTS section, who would dearly love to be "only" 21 stone. Nowadays the thought of going back over even 11 stone horrifies me - it's amazing how your viewpoint changes as you go along, as I'm sure you'll find out. :) I suppose what I'm saying is that everyone has their own story, that being even a stone overweight can feel huge if you haven't been used to it, and that having been on both sides I can see both points of view. :) xx
Thanks for the replies.
I was a tad worried I'd be shot down but thank you for not doing that!
Take no notice of the stories in the magazines - they are deliberately written from a particular point of view.

How other people feel or express themselves has nothing to do with how you feel. Let them do their thing while you do yours.