Hmm, this is interesting. When I first went on Cambridge I used to feel like this sometimes. That's because yes, I was highly motivated and it was therefore relatively easy as I just avoided going out, didn't have to cook for anyone/kids etc so my lifestyle made it easier than maybe for other people. When your losses are consistently good, the motivation is increased tenfold and yes, you don't want to "ruin" it and get out of ketosis for the sake of a meal. HOWEVER, there will come a day when you won't be on this diet and WILL need to eat. Some people who "cheat" realise that and often make informed choices and have arranged "cheats" that don't knock them out. Also, the second time I did this diet (and no I never, ever believed I would have to do it again so you may have to eat your words if you return) it was SO MUCH harder to not "cheat", despite my previous attitude. In fact one night I ended up eating a kebab because I lost just 1lb in weeks 3 and 4. I was just so despondant. So, if you're losing loads per week, good for you, but it's not like that for everyone. I do also think it's healthier and natural to start wanting some food when you're nearer target and that, although you may be delaying the diet by "cheating" and perhaps spending more money I reckon you might feel the same when you're a stone or so off and then want to "treat" yourself.....!!