I'm not quite sure that this is in the right section, so mods please feel free to move. Just thought I'd write a little piece about a subject that deeply effects me. I am a 35 year old man, and I have put on a little weight
I'm now 18 stone 4 pounds. I'm only 5ft 7"
Most of my weight has been put on through comfort eating. I've made a breakthrough this week though and I'm on the road to recovery. Finally my head is in the right place and I'm ready for the challenge ahead. My problem though is this....... Why do people insist on telling me that I have put on weight? Yep! That's right I hear it all the time "You've put some weight on haven't you mate?" "You're piling on the pounds" Do people not realise that it hurts to tell people that? I can guarantee you that someone this week will tell me I have put weight on. My first reaction to this will be to seek comfort food. I will resist the temptation though. I don't know if this is something that only men suffer from, as maybe women have more tact amongst themselves? And there is another thing that I notice......and that is the 'Belly Stare' When I'm talking to someone I can see them looking at my belly, you could argue that I'm just being paranoid. I can assure you though that I'm not, and I feel very uncomfortable when they do so. Sometimes i find myself avoiding people that I haven't seen in quite a while in case they say the dreaded line. Just thought I'd share this with you all. Thanks for listening :wave_cry: