Do you weigh yourself a lot? I used to but I restrict self to once a week halfway between weigh-ins (to see how it is going). It's a hard habit to break though :-/
I know what you mean I have become totally addicted to weighing myself. I don't have a set of scales, (for this reason) so I use my Mums but I find myself going round to her house to weigh myself and I use them every time I go to the loo!! Its really not good and terrible on my moods if I am weighing heavier than I thought! x
I have managed to break the habit now, it took a long time, but if I weighed mid week and the scales said a disaster then I get dis-heartened and started picking and then I'd had it - diet ruined, so I only WI once a week now.
this is what is happening to me! i really need to stop it! The thing is i get on it think oh yeah ive lost a pound i then proceed to put it on in wine that evening! Which brings me on to something else i am going to cut out this week!!
Take them to a neighbours house or a relatives, tell them under no circumstances are you to use them and cry all the way home lol. I know its painfull but it will help in the long run. XX
You can do it guys!! I'm gonna give it a go it should be easy as I don't have scales at home anyway but will need to avoid mums bathroom!! I have WI today so shall start from tomorrow xx
It's simple - don't have scales in the house! I really don't understand why you would want to sabotage your weight loss like this. It's hard enough to lose weight and keep it off without making it ten times more difficult for yourself.
Free yourself from the the weight of a set of scales hanging around your neck!
i used to weigh myself before going to my WI but the scales would lie and i'd get all panicked that id gained or something, so now i've promised myself that i won't go near them.
so far, so good!