Gold Member
Why Tolerated Items are the like the brakes on your car…
It took me a while to get the hang of these “tolerated items”, so I know how confusing they are.
So are they allowed or not? Why are they limited? Why do they effect some people more than others?!
In the end it took the following image to help me understand how I could use – and abuse – so called tolerated items.
The Dukan Diet is like a racy sports car at the top of a winding mountain road – at the bottom is the beach, and the weight you want to be.
That’s you, at the top, getting into the car, and looking down all those hair pin curves.
Attack revs up the powerful sporty engine – Ketosis - vroom, vroom.
Cruise sends you off, down the hill, towards the beach, and boy – is it a great car, and the best part is, the fuel its burning is fat. PP and PV are the gears, helping you maintain the best and most comfortable speed down the mountain – vroom – wheeeeee – bikini here I come!!!!
But there are hazards in the road – mothers-in-law, TOTM, problems at work, problems in love, constipation – looming like hair-pin bends - that might make you skid off the road and crash.
So – that’s where the Tolerated Items come in. They are BRAKES – and when you need a little extra help to stay safely on the road, they are there for you. Mullerlights, sugar free gum, a bit of laughing cow….
Just a touch, from time to time, keeps you on the road, still heading down, down, down to the beach.
If you use the brakes just when necessary it won’t impact your speed much at all.
If you use the brakes more often – you will slow the car, perhaps to half the original speed. Not too bad – you’ll still get to the beach a little later.
If you use lean on the brakes - eating mullers, wheatbran, skimmed milk powder, soy sauce, wine etc - every single day – well, then you’ll stop the car.
Or worse, spin off the road all together.
It took me a while to get the hang of these “tolerated items”, so I know how confusing they are.
So are they allowed or not? Why are they limited? Why do they effect some people more than others?!
In the end it took the following image to help me understand how I could use – and abuse – so called tolerated items.
The Dukan Diet is like a racy sports car at the top of a winding mountain road – at the bottom is the beach, and the weight you want to be.
That’s you, at the top, getting into the car, and looking down all those hair pin curves.
Attack revs up the powerful sporty engine – Ketosis - vroom, vroom.
Cruise sends you off, down the hill, towards the beach, and boy – is it a great car, and the best part is, the fuel its burning is fat. PP and PV are the gears, helping you maintain the best and most comfortable speed down the mountain – vroom – wheeeeee – bikini here I come!!!!
But there are hazards in the road – mothers-in-law, TOTM, problems at work, problems in love, constipation – looming like hair-pin bends - that might make you skid off the road and crash.
So – that’s where the Tolerated Items come in. They are BRAKES – and when you need a little extra help to stay safely on the road, they are there for you. Mullerlights, sugar free gum, a bit of laughing cow….
Just a touch, from time to time, keeps you on the road, still heading down, down, down to the beach.
If you use the brakes just when necessary it won’t impact your speed much at all.
If you use the brakes more often – you will slow the car, perhaps to half the original speed. Not too bad – you’ll still get to the beach a little later.
If you use lean on the brakes - eating mullers, wheatbran, skimmed milk powder, soy sauce, wine etc - every single day – well, then you’ll stop the car.
Or worse, spin off the road all together.