With pleasure there always comes pain


New Member
The time had arrived when I finally realised enough is enough.
I have always been lucky in that I am able to eat what i want in moderation and not really put the pounds on. But hitting my 30s I realised this was not the case anymore and I had become totally inactive, what with kids/work etc.
I went into my local shops just before Christmas and found the only jeans i could buy were at M & S and Tescos, so I decided to make a change in 2012. I am not a believer in New Years resolutions and starting in Janaury so I started in February and joined slimming world. The reason for joining was basically the weekly weigh in as It gives you the incentive to lose weight and also to find out about the things i can eat/not. I gave up sugar/drinking every night, chocolate 12 years ago so I suppose I was a little forward compared to others in the weight loss stakes. I am 5ft 10 a guy and in 2000 was 16 stone. However I have remained at 15 stone for the last 10 years, dropping slightly in the summer when the nights are lighter and I am a little more active.
I knew my problem before I went and this was my irregular eating patterns,crisps,biscuits and fast food. I have never eaten breakfast and sometimes dont eat at all during the day until the evening, so this had to stop.
When you want to lose weight etc you need to be ruthless with yourself. I have been to the odd party in the last month but have kept to my plan and I will not deviate from it at any cost for anyones birthday/mothers day etc. If they dont serve food I can eat I will not go there.
I have been at slimming world for exactly 4 weeks and have lost 17 pounds to date.
I have also kept to the gold plan on exercise. I have started to drink more water and have changed my fitness plan and increased slightly my calorie intake as I was due to plateau this last week but the changes pushed me through it. Eating is pleasure but dieting can be pain for some people, but you have to keep to the plan and not be swayed from it. Others will try to force you off it, be it friends, partners, relatives but just keep going. Once I am down to a reasonable weight I will relax slightly and treat myself before the last hard push to hit my target anf then maintain it. But then comes the next step to give up smoking.