worried about the doctors


hiya i havent posted any new threads in ages on here but i thought had to write down how im feeling.. im scared i have the doctors on monday because ive been getting this pain in my left breast for quite a while, back in february a doctor gave me a breast examination and said i have quite lumpy breasts in general (thanks for that!) but that he didnt feel anything suspicious, but now it looks as though my breast is physically different to the right one and im really scared its going to be something serious :(
i dont know what im hoping for by posting this i guess i just need some reasurance? i dont know but im frightened :(
has anyone been through this before?
thanks for reading i hope its not TMI lol
I know how scared you are right now as I went through this myself when in my thirties and I had lumpy breasts that use to get very painful, especially my left...my own doctor said I was fine but it got so bad I could not wear under-wired bras as they hurt...I sought a second opinion as I thought it must be cancer and I had myself worried sick and the only relief I got is when I saw a professional who told me everything was okay.

All I can say is that be sure to keep your appointment and I hope you get the all clear like I did.:hug99:
you really do need to get yourself down to the doctors hun. even if it is bad news at least you will know and be able to start treatment.

dont end up like my aunt who was too scared to go to the doctors when she started losing weight and having stomach problems - she collapsed at home and died in hospital a few weeks later from advanced bowel cancer.

not trying to scare you, but you cant leave it any longer.

Hi , I am a breast cancer survivor. I am now 9 years in remission and enjoy better health than I ever have done .

Something like 90% of all breast lumps are innocent , benign ones.

The most important thing is to get back to your doctor as fast as possible and if he thinks you need to be fast tracked you will be. If you are so concerned you must act now. I went the day after I found the lump and am sure that is what saved me. I was stage 3 .

Today's treatments are so good, the results are fantastic. Breast cancer treatment in particular has made enormous leaps forward.

I am not trying to imply here that you are going to have a breast cancer diagnosis, just trying to reassure you that it need not mean the worst if you are.

Once again I must emphasise that 90% of all breast lumps are benign and there is no reason why you should be one of the 10%.

I have a small breast cancer support board if you have any private questions please feel free to PM me at anytime day or night.

big, squishy hugs.............now get to the doctors and insist on an early appointment. xxxxxxxxxx
thankyou for your kind words, i am very worried but i know ive got to go to see what im dealing with, fillymum you are an inspiration u know that ;)
thankyou for the offer of pm-ing you thats really sweet i will be sure to let u know as soon as i know anything.
thankyou again you guys r so lovely :)
If I could wave a magic wand and make you feel good, I would !!

Do you know what hun? I would phone the Drs now and tell them why you have an appointment on Monday and ask if you can be seen today/tomorrow, you will have a rotten weekend if not. I know you don't want to make a fuss, but sometimes it's warranted and today it is!
I agree with Shirleen - if you can get a last minute appointment it could save a lot of worrying.
Best of luck for your appointment - I hope they can put your mind at rest x
I also agree- you must be able to get an emergency appointment to go to a walk in GP clinic x
thankyou guys i know it might seem like ages till monday but i have a day planned with my daughter tomoro and i really dont want to ruin it. ill be ok till monday - at least i have u guys making me feel better :)
p.s monday was the first available date with just any doctor, if i wanted to see my own female doctor i had to wait till the 16th! so cancelled that one to get mondays appt xxx
hope all goes well - try not to worry and enjoy your day with your daughter x
I had a scare about 4 years ago. Went to my GP with a huge lump and he went into panic mode, referred me as an emergency case to the breast clinic, which I had to wait a week for, and the whole time I was absolutely convinced my number was up. Had a fine needle aspiration and an ultrasound, and it turned out to be a huge abscess. I had an operation on it a few months later when antibiotics failed to work, and then had to potter about with a drainage tube stuck out of the hole for a couple of weeks, followed by packing, while it healed from the inside out. Not very glamorous, but ultimately no harm done.

Try not to assume the worst, I know its easier said than done, but as has been said, most breast lumps are pretty innocuous.
Hiya, I had breast cancer last year. I wanted to say that I could very well be corrected but my surgeon advised me that cancerous lumps rarely hurt. Sore or lumpy boobs are generally cysts, fatty deposits or like my SIL - calcium deposits.
Another thing I wanted to say, perhaps a bit of forewarning perhaps - if you're only seeing your GP on Monday, they will hopefully refer you to a specialist unit for further tests/examination. If they appear to be dragging their heels, INSIST. However, the NHS guidelines state that you should be seen by a specialist within 14 days - some areas might well have the capacity to see you within a day or so but others might only be able to see you by the skin of their 14-day teeth!

Like Fillymum, I'm here if you would like to PM - we know it's hard at the moment & it's easier said than done to not worry but please try. I found my lump on a Friday so had to wait all weekend before I could make an appointment with GP on the Monday, so I appreciate where your head probably is at the moment. Enjoy your day with your daughter tomorrow.
Im not "liking" your breast cancer Minimunchkins - just adding support to your comments. I too was led to believe that "painful" is often a good sign when it comes to lumps, as it indicates infection rather than anything else - also if the skin around the area is reddened compared to the rest or feels warmer to the touch than surrounding areas. (Obviously infections arent a "good" thing, but I'm sure you understand the sentiment...)
Minimunchkins is right- the majority of breat cancers are painless. A painful lump (especially if you have "lumpy" breasts generally), is likely to be normal fibrocystic change. This is what happens to us all as we get older. Breast tissue is replaced by fibrocystic tissue (which is lumpier). Obviously having said this, please do go see your doctor as it is the only way to know for sure. Hope you have a good weekend!
thankyou everyone and thankyou for sharing your stories too youre all such lovelies! just to let u know i rang the surgery this morning and said i just wanted to speak to a doctor on the phone as i was really worried but i have an appointment on monday and i got a call back from the doctor an hour later. she said it sounds like a good thing that its more painful some times than it is at other times and this shows it could be a hormonal thing, so she advised me to take some strong ibuprofen tablets for now and to still see the doctor on monday, but until then she said it would be more comfortable if i wore a sports bra to stop the pressure on my breast. it was funny that i was referring to it as my left breast and she was just calling them boobies. lol the little things that cheer me up :)

thankyou everyone and thankyou for sharing your stories too youre all such lovelies! just to let u know i rang the surgery this morning and said i just wanted to speak to a doctor on the phone as i was really worried but i have an appointment on monday and i got a call back from the doctor an hour later. she said it sounds like a good thing that its more painful some times than it is at other times and this shows it could be a hormonal thing, so she advised me to take some strong ibuprofen tablets for now and to still see the doctor on monday, but until then she said it would be more comfortable if i wore a sports bra to stop the pressure on my breast. it was funny that i was referring to it as my left breast and she was just calling them boobies. lol the little things that cheer me up :)


Hahahahaha! Funny! I still hope she's right and everything turns out OK!
A sense of humour is such good medicine !!!

Your doc. is, in all probability quite right but no change in your breast or any unknown lump should ever be overlooked.

Enjoy your day with your daughter,

hugs xxxxx