Would you swim on Star week???

Pudgy Panda

Full Member
trying to decide whether to go swimming on not, period arrived in full swing this morning and i am usually quite heavy first few days:wave_cry:

thing is i could do with with the cramps and the huge boooooobs but worried about not enough protection if you see what i mean.

anyone go swimming at this time and what do you use to help

sorry weird post:cry:
my mother always said never go swimming when on! i did once and im convinced it gave me cystitus! it was horrible. never ever ever again!
I do...if I feel in the mood to get off the sofa! Actually I find that gentle exercise really helps ease the cramps.

If you use a sturdy, reliable tampon, shouldn't be any issues. Just use a fresh one and change it immediately after your swim.
I had no problem swimming when having a period - I did so for years (don't have periods anymore though).
It never occurred to me not to swim, as long as you have a fresh tampon you shouldn't have any problem. i used to find it helped with any tummy cramps too, very soothing.
I would usually have said go for it but the last year or so the first day of my period is so heavy that I'm getting through an extra strength tampon in and hour or so and daren't go anywhere without a nappy size towel on aswell!

If it's going to br preying on your mind I wouldn't go as you'll spend the whole time worrying x
Oh golly I can barely move during my period! Mind you I can't swim either...great answers eh?
I would say go!
Ive always gone when I had periods, I was heavy too but never had any problems. I heard once that you are safe swimming as you don't loose when in water. Don't know if this is right, maybe a goodle search would tell you.
You may have heard people say that you won’t bleed when you swim anyway, because of the pressure outside from the water. This is actually a myth, the water pressure does not keep blood in (in fact blood in water often looks much worse). You are likely to bleed in the water (especially if your period is heavy) as well as bleeding on your way in and out of the changing rooms

LOL just googled it and got this, which means my post is of no use.
I use a Mooncup and I never have problems with leaks ever!

So yes, I'd go!
Thanks Pesty!

Yep, an alternative to pads & tampons. I hated wearing pads (nappies lol) and tampons used to make me really dry and uncomfortable as they absorb EVERYTHING.

The Mooncup's essentially a silicone cup which catches the flow. You empty it as and when you need it. There's 2 sizes, depending on whether you've given birth vaginally or not.

It can be a bit fiddly to start with but if you've ever used non-applicator tampons it's a breeze!
LMFAO cant help but laugh at that 'cup'

have to say, this resembles the cathater i trained with last week hahahahahahahahahahaha



done now :) LOL

( on a serious note. thats actually a good idea!)
Seriously, they're relatively expensive for the initial outlay (£20ish at Boots) but they save so much money (and good for the environment too) in the long term.

They are supposed to last a good few years as well, so add up everything you spend on pads etc. and I bet it's cheaper!
Well I never, things have progressed since I had periods. They sound quite a good idea though and as you say, sanitary wear costs a fortune. I've always said it should be free.