
Violet is shrinking
Think this is the best place to post this, if not I'll try the shout box anyway....

For Christmas I'm going to replace my sons Playstation 2 with either an Xbox or a PS3, I'm just not sure which one.

He has a DS and we all have access to a Wii.

He will be 9 at Christmas so I have to think about the games for the consoles, I really don't want him playing killing games etc, I don't mind him playing some 12's depending on what they are, so do you think a PS3 or an Xbox would be better?

If it's an Xbox, then which one, there's 3 different ones I think?

I have to think about the proice of games too, although I have looked online at Game today and there is some good offeres on some of the games.
I'd say Xbox but watch out if he tries to go on Xboxlive also you can get parental settings on the Xbox so you can age restrict it (ie no 15/18 games can play) then Set a pass code.

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