

Full Member
I begin cruise today, Weighed in this morning and I have lost 5lbs on Attack-really chuffed :))

Onwards and Downwards xxxxxx

SW 12.3 lbs
5 day Attack- 11.12 lbs (-5lbs)
excellent news emma, well done. as you say onwards and downwards........all the way.
Fabulous loss xxx
Thanks everyone.I am super chuffed :)) frightened I will gain in cruise though.Does anyone else get scared of the scales? Xx
Terrified............I weigh everyday, and that few seconds before I step on lol, I'm going on holiday in June and I am seriously thinking of taking my scales. Or TripAdvisor I might ask if there is anywhere around I can get I mad??????? yes....
Terrified............I weigh everyday, and that few seconds before I step on lol, I'm going on holiday in June and I am seriously thinking of taking my scales. Or TripAdvisor I might ask if there is anywhere around I can get I mad??????? yes....

Bonkers! ;)

P x
Forget the scales while you are on holiday. Make healthy choices because that's now part of your lifestyle; have a few treats because you're on holiday and get on the scales as soon as you get back so you can get straight back into gear. Any gain will go in the first week or two as it will be mainly water weight. Go have fun - you deserve it!
I packed the scales!!!! At least it lets you know how much damage your doing - I also packed all my muffin ingredients and made muffins every day in the microwave!!! Although was a bit worried about the skimmed milk powder as white powder at airport customs - not good ha ha!!!
Scoot great idea about the micowave muffins, lol see Emma we are Muffin Crazy on hear xxx
Scoot great idea about the micowave muffins, lol see Emma we are Muffin Crazy on hear xxx

I took plenty of packs of sugar free jelly as well - when I'm at home I always have Tupperwares filled with already measured dry ingredients for muffins - so just have to tip into bowl and add wet ingredients - but didnt dare take them abroad like that as thought customs might think it a bit strange! So took unopened packets of all dry ingredients - especially marvel ha ha!! microwave muffins aren't as nice as normal ones but they got me through 10 days abroad :) xx couldn't imagine going any amount of time without my muffins ;-)