Cambridge Diet Counsellor
Now here's an interesting concept.....Over the last few months I have been told (or at least heard!) that a couple of clients no longer wanted to come and see me as a CDC because they felt that I "wasn't hard enough" on them when they had cheated!!! (don't know whether to add a shocked or laughing icon here!)
I am a Counsellor, Therapist, Hypnotist, Business & Personal Coach - call me whatever....but I am certainly not a masochist (or is it sado-masochist!??). My work is not about hurting people but helping people.
But what is really quite interesting about this is how many people need to feel "pain" before they can start to feel that they are successful. Think about that for a moment....
I've done this many times before whereby I have said to myself "I feel far too bad to continue like this, I have to lose some weight"...Pain can be a good motivator initially but is it really the thing that provides momentum...unlikely because how many times have you stopped going to a slimming club because you "know you've put on"!! A WW or SW Leader's job is the same as a CDC's to support and motivate to help you along your way...just because the journey may not be smooth it doesn't mean you can't make it.
Now those clients of mine...supposing I really did make them feel bad about eating whatever...would they come back? Yes, but only for a short time because they have handed over their responsibility to me. I've not made them feel bad, have they come back? No. Therefore, who's decision is it really? Theirs, of course! It is their responsibility as to how they want to do this...not mine or anyone else's.
Whilst other people can be our inspiration and also provide us with some motivation, the decision to do whatever it takes - within reason of course - to reach our goals is ours. Therefore, we have to create our own momentum to keep us going.
Making the connection between what we want and why we want it is a great way of doing this. For example, I want to lose weight is a goal that most of us share..however, has that worked as a motivator before? We've all said that at various times but how many times has it actually worked?
What about getting specific and connecting the dots such as... I want to be 10stone so that I can 'y' and when I do 'y' I will feel "z"! I'm sure you get the general idea. When you fully associate into what you want then the "how" becomes much easier, regardless of your WW/SW/RC Leader or CDC because you will then start to create your own opportunities for success and use them as a tool rather than the fix.

I am a Counsellor, Therapist, Hypnotist, Business & Personal Coach - call me whatever....but I am certainly not a masochist (or is it sado-masochist!??). My work is not about hurting people but helping people.
But what is really quite interesting about this is how many people need to feel "pain" before they can start to feel that they are successful. Think about that for a moment....
I've done this many times before whereby I have said to myself "I feel far too bad to continue like this, I have to lose some weight"...Pain can be a good motivator initially but is it really the thing that provides momentum...unlikely because how many times have you stopped going to a slimming club because you "know you've put on"!! A WW or SW Leader's job is the same as a CDC's to support and motivate to help you along your way...just because the journey may not be smooth it doesn't mean you can't make it.
Now those clients of mine...supposing I really did make them feel bad about eating whatever...would they come back? Yes, but only for a short time because they have handed over their responsibility to me. I've not made them feel bad, have they come back? No. Therefore, who's decision is it really? Theirs, of course! It is their responsibility as to how they want to do this...not mine or anyone else's.
Whilst other people can be our inspiration and also provide us with some motivation, the decision to do whatever it takes - within reason of course - to reach our goals is ours. Therefore, we have to create our own momentum to keep us going.
Making the connection between what we want and why we want it is a great way of doing this. For example, I want to lose weight is a goal that most of us share..however, has that worked as a motivator before? We've all said that at various times but how many times has it actually worked?
What about getting specific and connecting the dots such as... I want to be 10stone so that I can 'y' and when I do 'y' I will feel "z"! I'm sure you get the general idea. When you fully associate into what you want then the "how" becomes much easier, regardless of your WW/SW/RC Leader or CDC because you will then start to create your own opportunities for success and use them as a tool rather than the fix.
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