
is a naughty girl...
Ok I am back so that means silly OT threads are back!!

If you won a competition that was 2 free cosmetic procedures...would you take them and what would you have done? has that changed since the diet?
Welcome back Megan, I would love a boob lift and reduction,plus lipo on back,but wouldn't have guts to go through with it after my mum died from complications caused by a routine hip replacement-am now terrified of ops. x
Part of me would love a boob job but I'm not sure that I'd actually do it, even if I didn't have to pay. I'd be more likely to though than if I did have to pay!
Hi Megan -- Thank goodness you're back (I love these threads).

I'd get a tummy tuck -- I miss my flat tummy.

And... only two? Hummm... my breasts lifted (and maybe even a little implant).

And before weight loss I'd have not bothered -- I'd have felt like it would be "putting lipstick on a pig".


Hi, i would get my boobs reduced, their a G cup :eek: and definitely a tummy tuck :D
Mich1010 -- Maybe we could do a transplant? What blood type are you? LOL

I lost 5 stone and did not change bra sizes (not going up in weight or back down) -- how sad is that?

MM you're going to have to fight me for mich's extra! :D
I'm being greedy here Megan with my 2 procedures.

Boobs uplift, and all-over liposuction. Wow, even modest me knows I would look and feel fantastic after that !
I would have my boobs reduced twice.