

Silver Member
I know I havent got loads to lose and my goal isnt too low and it wont take long but just wanted to show you a few pics as I have been yoyoing for years! I was fairly young in some of the photos though.
Me at 11st quite recent pic a couple of months ago. I know my hair is a bit messy but definitely felt that I had put on weight. There is another picture from a few years ago that I was not happy with but it has my friend in it so decided not to post it on here.

Me at a better weight I think 10st still size 12-14 sometimes a 16 in skinny jeans but a bit more toned and yes it was a scarecrow of the referendum lol I was working at Asda at the time so was doing more excersise and I was being a bit more healthier.

Me 2011 I lost weight the unhealthy way, I skipped mainly breakfast and went to bed hungry. I was 9st 7 it might have been a bit lower in this pic not sure, one of the nurses said to me it was my ideal weight for my height as I went for a routine check up, but she didnt know what I was doing! I also was a bit anemic. I was 9st at one point it was when I was much younger in 2008 after I had been in hospital (its a long story) anyway I was eating hospital meals.

Me now size 12- 14, doing something about it :p

I was a size eight in my teens I dont have any pics on here, I wasnt always that healthy but at one point I was a vegetarian and I used to walk quite away to school everyday nearly 2 hours a day. I started putting on weight when I was about 18 and have tried to manage being from 11st ish down to 10st or slightly lower several times. I only lost weight unhealthily once when I skipped meals, I wont be doing that again. Anyway I am now trying to plan meals and am hoping not to yoyo as much. For the first time I need a routine and aiming to maintain rather than just diet because with the diet it always ends! I also give up the gym sometimes but this time I have a membership which is again new to me. My boyfriend goes to the gym every week which is really good. Unfortunately he lives in a different town so I cant go with him.

Anyway thats my story.


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