Week 1


Full Member
Completed week 1 today and I've lost 5lbs thought it would have been more, but its not bad! I've also lost 1" off my waist. I think I'm possibly eating too much for my low carb meal... Anyway fingers crossed for the week ahead.

What does everyone eat for there meals?

I've had

100g beef burger with a cheese pasta pack & a babybel light

omelette with chopped up pepper

Scrambled eggs with babybel

Chicken with spinach
Well done!! That's 5lbs gone that you'll never have to see again!! Bye bye 5lbs!!
There's a thread on here somewhere that puts the weight you lose into perspective of what other things weigh.... so 5lbs is the same as a chihuahua!!
Well done you! So if you see someone walking one down the street go and pick it up! Lol!!
Keep going!! Week 2!!
Sorry forgot to say - I've been looking at recipes on these threads - I've had cod with swede chips twice, and salad with either turkey or chicken.
I weigh it all to check its 200g of veg and 100g of protein - although my cod was a bit more. - it's the cooked weight of things that you go by, and I think I read on here somewhere that food loses 20% of its weight through cooking.

I want to attempt fish cakes somehow! Was thinking of substituting potato for swede or something, I don't know!! Lol. Will have a rummage through these threads to see if anyone's come up with a way! I'm no Nigella either so it'll probably go wrong!! Xx