She's happy to give some up but mostly wants to play with them all so its just easier to sort them when she's not here... its the usual don't play with stuff for ages until you want to take it away. Plus I need to re-sort thru things too... kids & Daddys don't tidy away into the right boxes!! So its a good time to do it with all the new stuff.
Before we've used the living room which is at the front of the house thats had toys etc in it & it where they watch the tv, we now want to make it more a chill out zone, where they go to sit & read or where we all watch a dvd together & keep it more of a grown up zone, means I can get all my lovely pieces out again!
The kitchen is a big room, we have a sofa tv & dvd player (am looking at getting sky sneakily wired in from the front room) the wii's in here plus all of their toys now... there is alot of floor space for them to play too & am going to get a large coffee table to go in front of the sofa so they can use it to play on with all there bits, build lego etc...
The dining table & kitchen are at the otherside of the room so it means that this room really would be the heart of the house & I can get on more doing stuff with us all in the same room!!
The conservatory leads off from here too big glass double doors which then lead into the garden so think it makes it a big family friendly space for us all!! The conservatory has our 'grown up' dining table & we're gonna get a couple of arm chairs in there too, it doesn't get used in the winter really as its not been sealed properly so is bloomin' freezing but in the summer its an amazing space!!
You'll see it all when you & the girls come to stay. x