Call me Linzi...
Yes babe... its currently on charge. x
Yes Linz, you go and have a nap love
oooh yes lucky you. BUT you might not sleep tonight. im snoozy too if you have one for both of us we will both feel better and sleep well tonight
ah good, if you make her have lots of wee's before bed maybe you'll get a full nights sleep Linz
ahh at least she might sleep through tonight love
Thats what we do Gem... milk & biccie about 6ish then bath/bedtime.I don't know if this will help at all Linz but my rule was nothing to drink except milk after 6pm. They went to bed at 7/7.30 and it worked a treat. There would be a nice cup of milk and a biccie just before bed and "Hey presto" x
None of that ever worked for me. Regardless of whether I got DS up through the night, left him sleeping, didnt give him drinks, ran taps he still wet the bed.
Its great shes waking you up during the night already Linz even if it doesnt feel like it.
I agree - it saves the wet beds. What worked for me might not work for others x