¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Hey guys...

I'm having such a hard time sleeping at the moment... for the past 2 weeks I haven't got to sleep before 2am & been awake at 7am. Last night I couldn't sleep & was still awake at 0445 this morning & awake again at 7 when my alarm went off!! I got really upset that I couldn't get off to sleep last night (crazy I know). I don't feel tired if that makes sense but I know I can't carry on like this as at some point my body will just crumble!!

I have tried the usual, hot bath, milky drink, herbal tablets... just don't know what else to do?? Does anyone else struggle to sleep while atkinsing or is it related to something else perhaps??
On another note my baby girl is at her first session of preschool today, she looked so grown up in her uniform this morning but when I left her she seemed so small again!!! I know she's gonna be having such fun but I'm really missing her already & its not even been an hour!! Roll on 1 o'clock when I get to see how shes got on!

Her big brother was very excited for her this morning & was gutted he couldn't take her! Bless him... I'm so lucky b'coz they absolutely adore each other... Long may it last. xxx
hey ditzee - oh bless bet you cant wait till lunchtime.
I have not been able to sleep properly either for last couple of nights :S have you tried wine? lol
oh dear :( i was thinking maybe my reason for sickness this week was the diet and maybe delayed atkins flu??
Ah bless, I bet she looked so cute in her uniform.

I can't comment on the sleeping, I've never had a problem, but I suspect that's an Army thing, you learned early on to sleep whenever you could.
Its probably that then - your body getting used to it. Have you tried Nytol?
or maybe a nice massage? a foot massage usually send me off lol
I'm not a fan of taking anything for anything, I'd say don't take anything until your body is clear love.
Ah, she is so cute love. :)
What a cutie!! Cant comment on the sleep thing. I suffered awfully when I had anxiety and depression, so I know what you mean, but thankfully I sleep very well now.

Hope you get it sorted, but sometimes the body just goes out of kilter with its sleeping patterns, and you have to have some medical help to get it back on track.

Some updates: first of all my baby sister & her teeny baby. Good news this week... little one has grown (still under half what it should be tho) & blood supply has increased to the brain, still very low but its a positive & also there seems to be a bit more fluid too & little one is moving a bit more. The specialist told them that when he first met them he did not expect this little one to survive & is amazed by the turn around. They are not out of the woods by any stretch but its all good this week!
And as for me.....

November last year I went to my GP to enquire about having weightloss surgery as I hadn't achieved anything last year!! Well to my suprise on Wednesday I had a call from my GP to say my funding had been approved & that I need to choose my hospital!!! :eek:

She asked me if I was still interested with my current success at losing & I said that 'yes I am doing great right now but I am very much in the honeymoon period of my weightloss & diabetes management & wouldn't rule out anything.... besides I am a complete professional at losing weight its the maintaining of it that I'm shocking at!!!'

So thats where I am at at the moment, I am going to continue with what I'm doing as its being very succesful & see what happens with the wls journey alongside & see what happens... having visited minimins sister website on wls it seems that people maintaining after wls have an atkins style woe too.

Would appreciate your opinions on this too... thanks. xxx