Call me Linzi...
Awww bless you Lesley... have spent the majority if my life trying to complete a low carb diet! Finally I got to implement what I've been reading about. x
Evening Linzi Loo - its amazing how much we all know about these bloody diets, its just the getting it to work for us that is the hard bit eh? We just have to keep at it, and following in your footsteps
Ha ha!! My footsteps & health camp would be seriously sponsored by red wine at the mo tho,I feel a Linzi health camp idea coming on
Aww thanks chuck... you'll be missed. xxJust coming to say goodbye, and see you when I get back. xxx
Hey luverleeee. xMorning slinzzzzzzzzzz x
Mister Jim. x
Hey chick. xMorning Linz
Hey beautiful. xthanks Jim ive devised my own
Morning gorgeous Linz
Afternoon weeny one!Afternoon Slinky