¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

OMFG Linz hun you look brilliant - so slim, and everyone else is right, great legs! It might be your first time in shorts but I can see them being a regular thing :) xxxx
OMFG Linz hun you look brilliant - so slim, and everyone else is right, great legs! It might be your first time in shorts but I can see them being a regular thing :) xxxx
Not sure they'll ever been worn out of the garden Suze! Thanks hun. x
Well I hope your head gets in a good place soon to make sure you do wear them out of the garden, you look amazing - to all of us, and you know we wouldn't just say it - we all MEAN it xxx

So proud of you - oooh I feel all teary (with happiness :))
Hey wiv them pins chuck you will be in Hot pants soon!!!Kylie eat yer heart out :D make way for our Superstar Slinzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :flirt2: xx
Hey wiv them pins chuck you will be in Hot pants soon!!!Kylie eat yer heart out :D make way for our Superstar Slinzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :flirt2: xx
Not on yr Nellie misses... the length of the shorts cover up a multitude of sins!!:p

I have a lump and a tear - you have done so amazingly Linz, so proud of you babe xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Awww thanks babes.... I can kinda see a difference now. xx

Do you like my new hat?? Paul keeps slapping my ar$e whenever I wear it!! :eek:
Morning Linz - Happy Monday. Loving the pics x
Morning Linz, those legs are nearly as pretty as mine LOL.
beautiful Linz. wow what a star you are. and still hate you cos your legs are toned LOL ;) xxxxx