Morning Slinz..
Glad the BS party was a success and the red wine hasnt made you feel ill like it did last time..
have a great w/end xx
Hey Curlz.... need to think of a pet name for you since you've changed on me!!
Red wine affects weren't good actually!:cry:
Good morning darling

Great to hear body shop party went well . Hope you have a nice Sunday . Xx
Hey gawjuss.... had a lovely sunday thanks hun, started with late breakfast of dippy eggs & soldiers, we went to check out the venue for Jacob's party, kicked about leaves in the forest & booked him in for zipwiring & crate stacking!
Came home had a roast then spent the afternoon around the table playing games twas lush but need to catch up on my ironing now!
I would love it if we had the body shop parties here :-(. Morning.

They are such great fun... can't believe they don't do them, they're missing a trick. xx
Good Morning gorgeous! Hope you have a lovely day today

Right backatcha!! xx
Lol, I watched the Batchelor when I got home from work. I thought a few weeks ago he'd pick Carrie Anne, what a stupid voice she's got though !
Hope you're enjoying your busy weekend, good job it's got an extra hour so that you can fit it all in x
OMg hasn't she just! I know I saw that real twinkle in his eye when he looked at her & was gutted.... Layla was my favourite!
Hope you had a good weekend.....
p.s have you got a diary for me to come stalk you?? x
Afternoon Linz, glad to see the wine isn't having an adverse effect this week xx
Its not been great tbh think I am going to have to knock it on the head!:cry:
ive never seen this batchelor thing.. tbh i think Gavin Henson is a bit of a d*ck haha.. but he is good looking so i'd still probs watch him on telly

I agree he is a bit of one & his final choice just confimed it!! He has got the most amazing bod tho!
I need to catch up on the final show - it must be on replay! Lol
Yes I'm sure it must be... although we've kinda given the gam e away now have't we. x
Morning Linz, a good weekend then love
Fab weekend Jim thanks... will update later!
Morning hun
So pleased the BS party went well - and the fireworks pics look amazing! Love to la famille
Shame I didn't get more & Jakeys were all blurred! Love right back atcha Aunty Rosie. xx
Afternoon Linz
Hey B..... lubs ya!