Worked hard on the wii today... 1hr 20 mins which earnt me 499 extra calories & I've eaten them all! Carbs where higher than I wanted today for no other reason than I picked without thinking today.. but will address that issue tomorrow!!
Calorie Summary
Daily Cal Quota:1281+ Exercise Cals:499
Total Cal Quota:1780
Calories Consumed:1778
Calories Left:2
Cals to Maintain Weight:2281
Nutrition Summary
Calories (kcal)1778
Protein (g)106.9
Carbohydrate (g)91.7
Fat (g)101.7
Fibre (g)19.0
Fruit & Veg 5.6
Water (litres)4.0
B: yogurt
L: sesame ryvita, garlic philly, tomato, cucumber
D: mozzarella, tomato, pesto, black pepper
S: atkins bars