That was some fantastic weekend Linz! One of my auction prizes for my fundraising is free tickets to a Leicieser Tigers game and a meal with the players I think afterwards but I always get confused with rugby whether it's Union or League lol!
I had a top weekend too! Friday was a day out with my best friend, we went girlie shopping etc. Bought 3 new tops, no diffference in sizes yet but they were trendier than I've felt comfy buying in a long time. Neil reckons I'm starting to look less like my Mum now and more of a trendy bird lol (cheeky buggger)Then up to the pub where I got very drunk but a good night! For some reason Andrew(landlord) gave us a free bottle of wine with our meal which of course went straight to my head
Saturday was over to friends and spent four hours in the hot tub giggling and drinking!
Sunday was spent buying a hot tub which is coming next weekend so I'll organise an Atkins hot tub partyarty0011:
- all welcome! Seats 8-9 people so it's huge lol! Again lunch at a pub in Doncaster but very little on menu for us :cry:
Ended up with a mixed grill and boy was it hard to resist the chips, they looked divine! But willpower remained intact :innocent0002:
Got home, another glass of wine and bed LOL
And the best news is I'd lost another pound from my Sarurday weigh inYeahhhh!!
I watched it all on the telly Linz., a fantastic spectacle indeed. Bath played very well didn't they love.
LOL, so I was right about the cabbage patch.No surprise there, I suppose it must be quieter when there is no rugby though.
Sounds like a nice weekend there Caz.
Our's was very quiet as planned, just lazing around in the Garden, I did get detailed to take some stuff to the tip though.
ah well, I didn't want to criticise Wasps too much, it's end of season and they have a lot out injured Linz.
Girls and shopping eh! What should have cost no more than £50 turned into a £12k shopping trip.