Back On CD.......
Welcome yasmine-samara!
sorry I don't get to post much, very busy, quite happy to hand over team leader if anyone else fancies it. Not sure whats happenend to myrtlemoo, she has disappeared for a while, personally I think we should give her til after next weigh in as she normally posts a weight so she hasn't abandoned us! Guess she may just be mad busy like me!
Go Babes
I have e-mailed Pink Charl to say we are replacing her & I have e-mailed Moo again to say we not replacing her now, just looking forward to hearing from her..
Kel, just noticed how near your target you are. :happy096:
When are you starting to move up the plans? Our CDC told us that when you are 1 stone away from target then you go up to 810 for two weeks and then up each plan for two weeks and by the time your up to 1500 then you should be at your target and going onto maintenence.
I am gonna stay on SS+ for a few more weeks hun as I think my weight loss will slow down now, been weighed the past couple of morning and I have lost nothing.. I wanna be 11.7 thats my target but I may wanna get down to 10.7, dont know yet, the lowest I have been with CD is 12.4 & I felt really good about myself..
Hi girls,
Thank you soooooooo much for letting me be a part of you team. As you can see from my starting weight I am currently 27st so have a very long journey ahead of me but I am determined to get there and improve my physical and mental wellbeing. I have become very depressed about my weight and I am still currently considering a gastric bypass but only as a last resort. The thought of going under the knife terrifies me. My partner says that I am quite fit and I suppose, especially for someone of my weight I am really. I manage to go the gym(I have even started running on the treadmill), I am a student nurse, I have to work part time aswell 'cos my ex husband left me with a huge mortgage and in lots of debt, I have two gorgeous little girls aged 2 & 4 and on top of all this I still have to run a home, manage my bills, do all the house work, washing and ironing etc and fit my studying in. Phew.....that was a mouthfull - I am tired just thinking about it!!!! I know I have taken a lot on, especially with doing CD too but I like a challenge in life and I will feel so much happier, fitter, healthier when I am a reasonable weight on my poor feet. I get so tired and when I get home all I feel like doing is falling asleep but when you have two children who want your attention it can be very demanding. I don't want their lives to suffer 'cos their mummy is fat and I want to see them grow up and hopefully one day have a family of their own but if I stay on this path of self destruction I can pretty much guarentee I won't reach my 50's. Well I hope I havent bored you all too much, I just wanted to give you a bit of an insight into the crazy life of me and I really hope that I can make a big difference to the team result each week. I have a mini goal of 7 weeks as I am taking my babes to Florida and I just want to be as light as I possibly can by then to resume when I get home with the rest of my journey.
Looking forward to gettingb to know you all and I will try and post as much as I can (at least once a day anyway) as I am really busy.
I am going to see my CDC today at 15.30 to buy my supplies. I started yesterday as I had some shakes left from previous attempts (we won't mention those) so I guess I will get weighed on a thursday in future. Is that when the team result needs to be in? I usually go and see her around 5pm so that should give me enough time to get home and post my result for it to count for that week. I feel really excited about it now. Just off to get my porridge as I haven't had my brekki yet and glug on my next pint of H2O.
Hiya Hun,
A huge Welcome, I think you will fit in just fab!
My you have a busy life girl.. No wonder you just wanna chill out when ya get home..
I have to say I am jealous of you going to Florida, I went last october for my birthday with Keith for the 1st time & loved every minute, We got engaged out there, I would happily go back tomorrow, Have you been before? etc, I want all the details..