★★★★ The Water Babes Thread - Team 9 ★★★★

Welcome yasmine-samara!

sorry I don't get to post much, very busy, quite happy to hand over team leader if anyone else fancies it. Not sure whats happenend to myrtlemoo, she has disappeared for a while, personally I think we should give her til after next weigh in as she normally posts a weight so she hasn't abandoned us! Guess she may just be mad busy like me!

Go Babes

I have e-mailed Pink Charl to say we are replacing her & I have e-mailed Moo again to say we not replacing her now, just looking forward to hearing from her..

Kel, just noticed how near your target you are. :happy096:

When are you starting to move up the plans? Our CDC told us that when you are 1 stone away from target then you go up to 810 for two weeks and then up each plan for two weeks and by the time your up to 1500 then you should be at your target and going onto maintenence.

I am gonna stay on SS+ for a few more weeks hun as I think my weight loss will slow down now, been weighed the past couple of morning and I have lost nothing.. I wanna be 11.7 thats my target but I may wanna get down to 10.7, dont know yet, the lowest I have been with CD is 12.4 & I felt really good about myself..

Hi girls,

Thank you soooooooo much for letting me be a part of you team. As you can see from my starting weight I am currently 27st so have a very long journey ahead of me but I am determined to get there and improve my physical and mental wellbeing. I have become very depressed about my weight and I am still currently considering a gastric bypass but only as a last resort. The thought of going under the knife terrifies me. My partner says that I am quite fit and I suppose, especially for someone of my weight I am really. I manage to go the gym(I have even started running on the treadmill), I am a student nurse, I have to work part time aswell 'cos my ex husband left me with a huge mortgage and in lots of debt, I have two gorgeous little girls aged 2 & 4 and on top of all this I still have to run a home, manage my bills, do all the house work, washing and ironing etc and fit my studying in. Phew.....that was a mouthfull - I am tired just thinking about it!!!! I know I have taken a lot on, especially with doing CD too but I like a challenge in life and I will feel so much happier, fitter, healthier when I am a reasonable weight on my poor feet. I get so tired and when I get home all I feel like doing is falling asleep but when you have two children who want your attention it can be very demanding. I don't want their lives to suffer 'cos their mummy is fat and I want to see them grow up and hopefully one day have a family of their own but if I stay on this path of self destruction I can pretty much guarentee I won't reach my 50's. Well I hope I havent bored you all too much, I just wanted to give you a bit of an insight into the crazy life of me and I really hope that I can make a big difference to the team result each week. I have a mini goal of 7 weeks as I am taking my babes to Florida and I just want to be as light as I possibly can by then to resume when I get home with the rest of my journey.
Looking forward to gettingb to know you all and I will try and post as much as I can (at least once a day anyway) as I am really busy.
I am going to see my CDC today at 15.30 to buy my supplies. I started yesterday as I had some shakes left from previous attempts (we won't mention those) so I guess I will get weighed on a thursday in future. Is that when the team result needs to be in? I usually go and see her around 5pm so that should give me enough time to get home and post my result for it to count for that week. I feel really excited about it now. Just off to get my porridge as I haven't had my brekki yet and glug on my next pint of H2O.

Hiya Hun,

A huge Welcome, I think you will fit in just fab!
My you have a busy life girl.. No wonder you just wanna chill out when ya get home..

I have to say I am jealous of you going to Florida, I went last october for my birthday with Keith for the 1st time & loved every minute, We got engaged out there, I would happily go back tomorrow, Have you been before? etc, I want all the details..

Well girlies still got the poops, its like I have 'no' control of when its gonna happen.. :cry:

Dont feel right, think I will calm down on my water & eat chicken this weekend to see if gets better.. xx

Went for an appointment with manners and harrison last night you know hardly anywhere does 5% deposits anymore, its all 100%.. :eek:

Hows everyone today, Is the water going down?

Right Girlies,

Off to Keiths for the weekend, will catch up on Sunday Night..

Have a Fantastic weekend sexy babes.. ;)

Have a great weekend Kelly!

Lovely to hear about you yasmine-samara, I'm sure you'll do it this time! I'm on my 27th Day today, I've been 100% :) I tried so many times to restart last year, after my initial attempt, but it didn't happen. Something has clicked this time and it's getting easier as the days pass.

Tracey, hope your muffins work out!! xx
Have a fab weekend Kel, hope your tummy settles down too.

Sarah, I'll let you know how I get of with the muffins, I hope they come out alright cause I'm really looking forward to them.
Hi guys,

Hope you have a good weekend Kel. I will be working as usual. I am having the floor replaced on my bathroom and landing 'cos it creaks like made and annoys the hell out of me. It sounds like a heard of elephants are stampeeding across the hall even when my 2 year old goes the bathroom and wakes everyone up. Got to go out to work tonight 'cos I have to replace the money back into my Florida fund that I have used to pay the joiner!! :cry:
I am soooooo tired I feel I could sleep for a week.
I'm in a bit of a dilema 'cos my boyfriend doesn't know that I have started CD again and when I got home he had made me a jacket spud and beans for my tea. I Had to eat it or he would have been suspicious but I need to find a way to tell him pronto 'cos I don't want to jepodise my weight losses. He will be so mad with me 'cos I promised him I wouldn't do it again as the last couple of times I tried and failed it made me very moody and depressed and I'm not really like that normally. Any suggestions????
I think I will just tell him that I'm not going to eat after 6pm so when I am on a late shift it will be too late to eat when I get home. If I am on an early I can pretend that I have already had my tea with the girls 'cos he will get home after me..........does that sound like a plan or what?!?!?
I hate not being honest but I'm sure he will understand when he sees how happy I will be as the weight falls off!!

How do you make the muffins - they sound fab!

Just going to finish putting the ironing away and have a 15 minute chill before I have to go out to work. I drive a private hire taxi by the way, just incase you were wondering so the hours suit around my kids and my nursing degree. Plus I get to have my insurance and tax etc catered for as a tax expense so it makes running my car a bit cheaper for me.

What plans have you guys got for this weekend?

Speak to you tomorrow

Good morning girlies,

I am up with the sparrows as usual, only wish I ate like a sparrow then I wouldn't be in this mess!!!

I got weighed this morning and didn't lose a thing so that jacket spud must have done more damage than I thought.
I kinda ran it past wayne by asking him if it wasn't for the cost would he consider doing CD til he goes on holiday and I got a stern NO so I just won't say anything and wait until he notices that I have lost weight.
Going to go to the gym again today to try and burn the extra carbs I had last night and show a loss on the scales in the morning. I can't wait unitl I am in the 26's.
I was making the girls their breakfast this morning and I had cravings for toast with marmalade really bad but I was good and resisted. Up until last night I was doing fine but it makes you feel really hungry after you have eaten. I feel as though I am sort of back to square one in a way but I will just have to make some really good excuses over the next few weeks or I won't stand a chance of losing the weight I want.

How are you all doing today?

My girls go to see their dad today but I can't go out anywhere 'cos the joiner is doing the floor so I will keep busy tidying up the rest of the house. I can actually see the floor in my conservatory now. For the past few months it has been used as a dumping ground so I am going to get stuck in there. Speak to you later!!
Morning all!

Another lb bit the dust this morning, so 18lb gone so far! Yay! Hubby's Mum is over today, they are playing Guitar Hero while the kids play lego. I've had 3/4 pint of water and a green tea so far, just off to make a choc shake.

No real plans for this afternoon. Will try and get to a wedding fayre in colchester tomorrow with my mum and sister.

Laters xx
how cool,

I love going to wedding fayre's. I gather it is your sis that is getting married!!

I made myself a promise that this was the last damn year I was going to be fat and I want to be down to 15 stone by NYE. I know it will be tough but I have got to do it. I want to start planning my wedding next year and there is no way I will get married fat ever again. I hated my wedding pics and wouldn't have any up around the house. Looking back now it is such a shame I was fat and he turned out to be gay ( he lived a lie for over 11 years the bas**rd)
I have found true happiness now with Wayne at long last. He is amazing and has shown me what a relationship can be like. I am totally in love!!!!

Doh.........I just noticed your chief bridesmaid countdown!!!!
Lol yes, my little sister is getting married :)

I was pregnant when I got married, would have liked to have been slimmer and have had longer hair lol.

I'm sure you can achieve your 15 stone goal by NYE, but you need to be determined. I think also you need to get your partner on side. I wouldn't be doing so well if my hubby wasn't helping me out with feeding the kids and not suggesting eating out etc. Although he winding me up today and being a git, grrr.

Morning girls,

The scales have gone down another 2lbs so that is 20lbs lost so far. The muffins were ok but the bars and mix a mousse are much nicer, didn't look anywhere as nice as the kids choccy fudge cake !! Liberty went to Gymnastics and cheerleading practice form 5.30pm - 8pm and then we watched 'wild child' together as a family and played guess who which her sister bought her for her birthday. Today is her party so I'm just off the shop to get some party food for her.

So far today I've had porridge - yummy and about a litre of flavoured water.....looking forward to my spicy tomato soup for lunch.

Sarah have fun playing guitar hero, Becky has it on her x-box and drives me mad playing it, i've had a bit of a go but i'm so rubbish!

Yasmine-samara I'm sure you can get to your target by NYE, but I really think you should tell Wayne about CD, just explain to him that you are really determined for it to work this time and with all the support from everyone here it is VERY VERY acheivable.
I didn't play Guitar Hero this time! They all went out for lunch so I stayed here and played Animal Crossing on the Wii and then Lips (karaoke type game) on the Xbox. Then they came back and interrupted my gaming :( lol.

Just had half a hot tetra, going to have the other half now :) The water is going down nicely today too :)

Hi again,

I think 'cos I have now mentioned it he will be suspicious and he is not the sort of person that would forbid me to do anything at all but I feel that I have broken my promise thats all. I will just get on with it and see what happens and be as descrete as possible. He tried LT with me for a week once before and he only did it to support me and he said he hated it and it made him feel depressed. If I am being honest with myself then my weight does really get me down and i do get depressed about it so when I had tried ss in the past and failed it just made me worse. I was very emotional, moody, cried at the drop of a hat etc,etc!!! and he just doesn't want me to go through all that again. In a way he is just being protective and I love him even more for it. If I could just show him that I feel mentally stronger now and that I won't let it affect me in this way again then I am sure he will be behind me 100%.
He currently weighs about 24st 10lb and has struggled with his weight himself for quite a while too and when my weights starts to drop off over the next few weeks and months then who knows, he might just do it with me........lol!

My floor is finally fixed - whoo hoo!! and I need to spend the next couple of hours getting the rest of the house in order before the girls come home so will have to dash. Might not get another chance to get back on til 2mrw now cos I am working at 7pm til the early hours......oh the joys!!!


I'm glad your floor is all fixed!! I'm sure he'll be pleased as long as you're happy, and it would be nice if he could do it alongside you :)

I think I am being dragged rollerskating tonight! I haven't been in years and have had 2 kids and now my balance is rubbish! Not to mention the excess pounds weighing me down etc. Hmph.

Have a good evening all xx
Start of week 5 for me today! Loss for Week 4 was 4lbs :)

Off to a Wedding Fayre in a few mins :) xx
Well done you!!

how did your roller skating go.........or didn't it?

I tried to go ice skating one when i was much lighter about 21st I think and only lasted about 10 mins and had to stop cos my ankles couldn't take my weight on the thin blade of the boots. I felt so humiliated and sat watching my friends all have a great time when secretly I wanted to die inside. I think I am going to add it to the things i want to do but can't yet 'cos i'm sooooooo fat!!

Feel really crap today 'cos i had a huge row with Wayne and we never argue which resulted in me storming out of the house in a tremendous rage, slamming the door behind me only to find that when I had eventually calmed down and went home that he had gone out!!! arrrrrrh I feel so pis**d off. I rang him and we had a good talk and a cry and we will sort it out when he gets back.
Its times like these when I would go and comfort eat but it will only make me feel worse in the end so I have been slurping a bowl of leek and potato soup instead. Would rather be having one of my Nana's roast dinners right now tho.
Sorry to sound all doom and gloom today but hey, that is what we say being in a team is for. To help eachother and pick eachother up when we are feeling crap. I would rather have come on here and had a bit of a rant than gone and broken my diet by raiding the cupboards or fridge!!

Hope you have a great time anyway at the wedding fayre. I have got a dress in mind for mine that is absolutely gorgeous but I might change my mind when I am slim and find one I like better. It is so hard when your big to imagine what you will look like in a slim wedding dress. I tried this one on but I was still 23 stone at the time and me and my best friend took one look at one another and burst into tears. It was a lace up at the back so even though it wasn't exactly my size, the woman in the shop managed to fit it around me to give me a good idea as to whether that style would suit me.......I fell in love with it right away. My friend took a picture of me in it and Wayne saw it on my phone and sent it away to a web site called www.seeyourselfslimmer.com and they airbrushed me slim. I nearly died when I saw it. I will get him to show me how to post it on here so you can see later if I get chance. Sundays are always busy once the girls come home and I need to spend a good chunk of this evening sorting things out properly with Wayne. If not I will do it tomorrow definately.

CJ thanks for your message, I feel too emotional right now to talk about it but will take you up on the offer when I sort it out in my own mind. I just feel so angry with him and if we had never had any children I would of quite happily divorced him and nerver ever seen him again!!!

Well I think I have ranted quite enough for now so will go and do some more house work before I end up eating something naughty....I need to be busy to take my mind off it!!

will speak soon


Hiya Girls,

Hope you have had a fab weekend, I havent done much exciting really! :rolleyes:

Well Done Sarette on your weight loss this week, you are doing fab..

Tracey, well done to 2lb is 2lb..

Lins - Really hope things are better between you & wayne! Looking forward to hearing from ya later on.. Where do you manage to hide the packs from him??
I am sure when you start losing weight & see how happy you are he will change his mind, I think coz you were moody etc b4 on the diet he probably thinks you are gonna be the same again but you sound determined, especially as you have florida as an incentive..
Have you been before??

Well girls have to say my poops have seem to gone but I started my period AGAIN last night, WTF!!!! I was only on 2 weeks ago.. So think that maybe the reason the scales arent moving as I always put on a few pound.. Going to the doctors for a smear on the 13th so gonna mention it as I am coming on every 2 weeks!! :confused:
I have ate chicken 2 days in a row as I have been quite hungry, so think the scales will stay the same tomorrow..

Anyway What you think of the muffins then, personally I didnt like them, I am gonna try & stop been lazy and make my banana mousse & chick/mush crisps tomorrow, I totally love the crisps & it kept me on track too, I also like making little cookies from the bars as it lasted longer..

Oh Oh have to tell ya me news...... :D :D :D :D
I went into Dorothy Perkins the weekend as I keep going on about buying myself a new coat, I have quite a few but I need a new winter coat as the one I have at the mo the lining is all ripped, mind you I have had it for years..
So loads in the sale, decided to try a few on, without thinking I automatically picked up a size 18 to try on, Keith said ''why you picking a 18, you wont be that size anymore'' so I tried a 16 which looked ok, the coat I really loved only had 1 size which was a size 12, I said there is no way I will fit in that till keith persuaded me to try it on,
I GOT IT FASTENED UP.. :D It was my baps that let me down as it was slightly gaping!!
So decided not to buy one until I get to goal, Keith said he will treat me to some new clothes too..
So bring on 11.7.. :D

Getting to Know each other..

AGE: 31

JOB: Vehicle Administrator for Citroen



HEIGHT: 5 ft 6

YOUR MOOD TODAY: Gutted its monday tomorrow!!

ANY TATTOO’S: 1 in the Middle of shoulder blades

ANY PIERCINGS:Ears & Tummy button

YOUR BEST FEATURES: Have been told its my eyes & smile


HOW DID YOU MEET: At a darts match were we ended up being mates for 7yrs before keith told me he wants to be with me. Awww..

ANY CHILDREN: none but want them very soon



FAVE PROGRAMME: All CSI, 24, The shield, Sunday Night Project, Anything to with makeovers, weight issues & has gorden ramsey in, lol


FAVE MOVIE: Dirty Dancing


FAVE TIME OF YEAR: Christmas & Holidays

FAV HOLIDAY: Florida Orlando

FAVE WEBSITE: Minimins & Facebook

FOOD YOU COULDN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Chocolate, Cereal, Fruit & Sticky Toffee Pudding..

FAVE DRINK:Nice cuppa tea..



IDEAL JOB: To work with Dead Bodies, (be a Enbalmer or Medical Examiner)

PHOBIAS: Injections. :cry:
Just popped on to say good night! Will fill in the Questionnaire tomorrow ;)

Well done Kel!! My boobs let me down with that sort of thing too so I know what you mean! Sounds so good though that you got a 12 fastened!!! So jealous ;)

I posted about the skating on my diary, don't really want to rant about it again lol, but thanks for asking Lins :)

Where is CJ to be posting our results to Irene?? Does anybody else let her know their loss on a Sunday morning for the CD Team challenge thing??? And where's Myrtlemoo?!

Night all xxxx