Hi guys hope you arer all well.
I'm said to say I am leaving the waterbabes:wave_cry::wave_cry::wave_cry::wave_cry: You're probably not surprised.
I hope you understand it's nothing personal but i have decided to join another team. I am at that stage on the plan where I need a bit more from a team and for some reason people don't post on here anymore:cry:.
I also found recently when i was really down I didn't really get any responses apart from one I think (yet I always encourage people who are down). Everyone seems to only have time to come on and give a quick update about themselves really...which I totally understand as I know you are all very busy with your famillies and charities etc and just have time to update people about what you have been doing.
You are all fab and have done brilliantly to get this far.
Really hope you understand.....
Jaz (mum2one)