Gold Member
That recipe sounds like it could be nice
I do love Indian food. Well, food in general 
O wow! Malta sounds lovelybet you can't wait!
sounds like you have some yummy curry recipes
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So can't wait for hols - had new kitchen last year so no holiday - really need some sun!
I've started a recipe thread: hope you like x
It can really mess with your sugars if you are ill or run down can't it - hope you feel better after a rest
There is a great green-grocers near me - means a separate shopping trip but save a fortune on fruit and veg so worth it!
Oh dude! How're you feeling now??? Hope you've had a better day and feeling a bit better
I know what you mean about spending a fortune on SW food! Everyone always bangs on about it being cheaper than their previous 'diet'. No it bloody isn't!!!! Lol.
I don't think it helps that I only cook for me, if that makes sense? Might work out cheaper if you're buying for the family and making big meals rather than ready meals and takeaways. But as a single person I find it really expensive! I hardly buy fruit unless I'm at work coz it's so expensive. Can't stand frozen fruit either - ick!
Anyway, rant over, I know what you mean! We're supposed to be getting an Aldi superstore within like a 3 minute walk from my houseSo that should help!x
Sounds awful how you're feelingInsomnia is the bane of my life!!! Sleeping pills help sometimes, but not all the time, and they're prescription ones. Have never found anything that works 100%. It's awful, I really do feel for you :hug99: Will send you sleepy vibes :vibes:
I am glad to finally hear someone saying SW is quite expensive - esp if you wanto cook your own meals and not rely on convenience stuff. I'f I'm poor I do tend to rely on frozen veg, Pasta N Sauce (if it's on offer!!), and Quorn 3 for 2's or whatever. Now that I've been paid I'll buy enough stuff to batch cook the likes of ratatouille, chilli, and curry. So I'll have 3 or 4 portions of eachThen can go between fresh home made stuff and convenience.
But yeah, fresh fruit and veg is SO expensive!! 80p for a pepper?!!! I buy frozen peppers now for cooking with - a rare treat to have fresh ones. Who'd have thought peppers would be a luxury! It'll be onions next
Frozen fruit is AWFUL! There is one I quite like using for a dessert - the forest fruit mix. And I mix that with 0% Total and mini mirangues. That's ok. But I couldn't have that or any frozen fruit with just yogurt or something. Erk!!!x
Oh M&S food is one of the joys of life LOL! Esp when they reduce things and you get to them before the grannies
I can imagine buying lean/'healthy' meat is very, very expensive!! I complain about Quorn but at least, even at full price, you can get 3 bags of whatever for around £6. And generally at least 4 meals of something per bag? Couldn't do that with good quality, lean meat!! And have you seen how much tuna is?! I used to live on tuna pasta salad and now a 3 tin pack is like £6! Jeez!!!
I do like that dessert. Lovely and sweet and a real 'treat' with virtually no synsi'd imagine it'd work well with Danio's too for an extra syn or 2. Mmmmm!!! I must admit I don't make many desserts and there's LOADS of SW ones. I tend to either have fruit and yogurt or no dessert and have a cereal bar or low syn chocolate in the evening watching a fillum or something. Like to spread my food out so I'm not starving!xx