Gold Member
I'm good just settling down for a chilled evening, everything is doneAnd you're alright I'm quite used to it, I hope it settles down for you soon x
Aw lovely
I'm good just settling down for a chilled evening, everything is doneAnd you're alright I'm quite used to it, I hope it settles down for you soon x
I like simple teas like thatI made an epic work lunch the other week and it was just a bit of pasta salad, potato salad, salad, cheese rolled in Quorn ham, and a boiled egg cut in half. Was amazing!!! And really filling
How did the Quorn sweet and sour go? Keep meaning to try that myself.
I've been having a massive clear-out and cleaning spree of my room lately. Have filled two wheely bins with rubbish, taken 2 car loads to a charity place, donated furniture to Oxfam, and sold a big load of dvd's. SO good to do thatNow I have some nice new things for my room and my nice bits of art and stuff will stand out rather than being surrounded by clutter and dust
Bloody good body magic too
Oh dear that's not goodx x
I know the slightest thing can send your sugars funny, Ian's the samemaybe it will calm down once your tummy calms down as well. I think Ian is going to talk to the Dr next time he's at clinic about the amount of insulin he's taking x x
He uses nova rapid, lantus and victoza which helps control his weight. I've been giving him 4 slightly smaller meals to spread his eating out throughout the day this seems to help and he does better than having just 3 larger meals x
He takes the lantus twice a day so only covers 12 hours like you said. The victoza is good but has some unpleasant side effects, like wind, he's lowered the dose. And as I do all the cooking in our house I read up about diabetes and I did some training on it food wise when I worked as a chef in a residential home as we had diabetics. I try to include certain herbs and spices in his diet that have been found to be beneficial to diabetics, I'm all for natural healing where possible and I always use diabetic friendly food if it's for both of us which isn't often as he eats meat. And yes you do learn a lot, I take him to clinic as he's using a wheelchair at the moment and I ask loads of questions lol x