serial poster
Yup, already checked about the music and its allowed. I'll see how I feel on the day about turning it off but I don't ever have my music loud anyways because of where I run theres quite a few roads to cross & traffic so I always keep it low.
There is only 1 tiny thing worrying me. Found out today from someone who has ran it before that you don't find out your actual time on the day. They take pics of you with the time on the big clock but it may have taken you a few mins to cross the start line so its not going to be very reflective. So the actual time wont come out untill tuesday in the paper. Jan is this normal procedure for a race? Assuming you would know cuz of DS. I will be timing it on my phone anyways but besides the point lol
thought id answer but you can obviously ignore it if you want to! with a lot of larger races in your racepack you have a time monitor which you fix on your shoes so when you pass over the black rubber at the start and finish it monitors those times giving you a time at the end. this is confirmed a day or two later. smaller races they have someone writing the times down or even photographed so your time should be confirmed in a day or so..if you have your own garmin then that is just as efficient.