♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

Yup, already checked about the music and its allowed. I'll see how I feel on the day about turning it off but I don't ever have my music loud anyways because of where I run theres quite a few roads to cross & traffic so I always keep it low.

There is only 1 tiny thing worrying me. Found out today from someone who has ran it before that you don't find out your actual time on the day. They take pics of you with the time on the big clock but it may have taken you a few mins to cross the start line so its not going to be very reflective. So the actual time wont come out untill tuesday in the paper. Jan is this normal procedure for a race? Assuming you would know cuz of DS. I will be timing it on my phone anyways but besides the point lol

thought id answer but you can obviously ignore it if you want to! with a lot of larger races in your racepack you have a time monitor which you fix on your shoes so when you pass over the black rubber at the start and finish it monitors those times giving you a time at the end. this is confirmed a day or two later. smaller races they have someone writing the times down or even photographed so your time should be confirmed in a day or so..if you have your own garmin then that is just as efficient.
Dur! Just seen you already said you will time it on your phone! If it's well organised though I'm sure they will have some reliable method. You just may not know it immediately unfortunately. x
Yep, i'll be timing it on my phone :giggle:

Have just found out though that your actual time gets texted to us shortly after we finished :D Looked up my details and cuz my dad registered the donut put his mobile number for me!!!! :doh: so he will be getting my time sent to his phone so should get the accurate time at some point on the sunday - either way i'll be able to tell people from the time on my phone :)

And ive also heard theres free mars bars at the end ... that'll get me running! :rotflmao:

oh, and heres a picture of me earlier at pizza hut ......


Look at what I ate if you don't believe me!! :giggle:

You're gonna do sooo well - I just know you are :D xx
Yep, i'll be timing it on my phone :giggle:

Have just found out though that your actual time gets texted to us shortly after we finished :D Looked up my details and cuz my dad registered the donut put his mobile number for me!!!! :doh: so he will be getting my time sent to his phone so should get the accurate time at some point on the sunday - either way i'll be able to tell people from the time on my phone :)

And ive also heard theres free mars bars at the end ... that'll get me running! :rotflmao:

oh, and heres a picture of me earlier at pizza hut ......


Look at what I ate if you don't believe me!! :giggle:

:rotflmao: Brilliant!!!
Haha this was really me & my first bowl of ice-cream factory. The 2nd was alot smaller with only choc raisins :giggle:

I just went downstairs to get some marshmallows not sure why but I didn't have them put them back!


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Brang a banana to work instead of a meal bar :) just had it. Hour later than usual see if that makes a difference with the picking when I get home!

Oh & Harriet completely forgot you replied. Our chip is actually on the back of our race number!!!! I was all prepared for something for our trainer so when I first got it I thought they had forgot to send me mine! Lol x
Yeah - it's lovely, really sweet :)

Lovin' the look of that bowl of ice cream etc ... yum!! :D

And glad you found your 'chip' :) xx
Hi Tanya, this will probably be the last time I'm on here until Tuesday so just wanted to say all the very best for sunday, I will be thinking of you. I know you will do so very well, we all do. Good luck and can't wait to see and hear all about it.
Ar thanks Bev :)
I can't believe its only 2 sleeps away. Led in bed this morning thinking about it. It just doesnt seem real right now and i'm waiting for that big slap in the face from reality to hit me!! :eek:

Got a shift tonight :D

Friday 27th May

B- fritatta: 2whole eggs, 2egg whites, 3slices thin ham, 30g mature cheddar .... but I only ate half, just wasnt enjoying it :sigh: wish I had bread!!:rolleyes: oj (216)

L- wm roll, roasted chicken, elf mayo, lettuce, lf crisps, (398)

D- meal bar (220)

*mini twister icelolly (45)
*wotsits (125)

Total = 1,004
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Can you have some fruit? Not got your 5 a day in there :) xx
Surprising how we miss bread. The trials of life chick..........deffo a little low, try to add a bit more chick, you need all your strength for Sunday.
Hope you enjoyed you shift :) xx
Can I class a bag of wotsits as one of my 5 a day???? :eek: lol I really am useless this week.

Litterally just got in, updated and will catch up on your threads on my breaks in work :) xx
LOL! Hmmmm - I think not ;) xx
Well since you are a good girl, and they are orange..............I will let you class it as one of your five.

You have till Sunday to do this girlie, then from Monday......................Look out, we will nag you about your forthcoming holiday.
I feel mean now :eek: :giggle: xx