♥ ~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary ~ Year 2 ~♥

Oh dear! I'm defo not running now :(
I have just been into the garden to put some bread and stuff out for the birds and i ended up slipping flat on my arse, grazing both my arms and hands and landing right on the bottom of my back just above my bum - ouch! :doh:
Ouch!! bruised Coccyx no joke :(. Still if it made you decide not to run it did you a favour - you could have ended up with a far worse injury!! I'm sorry you've hurt yourself I hope it's not too sore and feels better soon :eek:

Mary!! Thanks for all that info! - the forecast snow for us turned out to be only a dusting thank goodness. And I hope it stays that way because I can't have any more time off - I don't know what I'd do! :eek: xx
I hope it starts clearing for you Jan :fingerscrossed:
The roads are ok here its just the pavements - can't imagine what a bugger it is where you are! :( x
The main roads are okay but where I work their roads are awful and they're on a hill which doesn't help. Fingers crossed my li'l 4 wheel drive will be enough for them! (Diahatsu Terios Sport - old model fyi ;)) xx

This is very like my baby ... except I don't have a sunroof :) xx
Change of plan for lunch. Having oven fries & cod :) with a cup soup in work.
HaHa ... posted at the same time!! :) xx
:fingerscrossed: your little baby makes it! Go careful though mrs xxx
Will do, thanks hon ... and you!! xx
Glad you are okay Tanya, that is the only negative thing with losing weight, we dont have the cushioning to protect us like we used to do before.

No problems for the info Jan, more than welcome.
Haha I still have the padding Mary believe me!!!! :rotflmao:
Thanks to Mary girls, i'm going to try and count points over the holidays just on food. So i think i will aim for around 20-25points giving leaway for the extra alcohol that will no doubt be consumed starting xmas eve!!!! ;) I know i really should count the alcohol points but thats no fun so aslong as i'm counting food hopefully i might limit the damage a teensy bit and maybe might keep me in a little bit of control!

:xmascheers: :party0036:​
Sounds like a plan :)... I admire you - there's no way I'm going to have that much control - I haven't even got it now (she said eating a tree choc :() xx
:giggle: It's just a plan girls, we'll see how well it works tomorrow!!!! :p One things for sure, defo no counting xmas day! I always start xmas day by bringing mum & dad a hot drink and a special tin of biccies in bed and me and my brother still sit on the end of their bed, munching biccies and opening our stocking! So the pp's will be out the window before the day even gets underway!:rotflmao:
Ah that sounds lovely. :D ... My daughter still comes into us if she's here - which she will be this year :) xxx (I have to make the drinks though - then wake her up!;)) xx
hahaha whats she like, getting you to make the drinks!!!! :p
Ouch Tanya! Will you do as you're bloody told and be careful! You're not going to lose all your fitness in a short time and better to play safe then risk a broken leg. I am NEVER allowed to run again EVER, how miserable is that? I used to be able to do 15 miles no problem......

As for counting point over Xmas? 7uck that and pass the biscuits over here will you:D
Aaah that sounds lovely Tanya - I am going to see my kids tomorrow afternoon and take the rest of the pressies down. Looking forward to the cuddles and kisses.
hahaha whats she like, getting you to make the drinks!!!! :p

I do it so I can wake her up! It's me that gets all excited - she'd sleep till lunchtime!! Next year will be the first year I've been in bed on Christmas Eve for several years so we'll see if I've changed then but it always used to be me awake before everybody else waiting for them to get up ;) xx
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