♥ Tanya's Maintenance Diary - Year 4! ♥

Looking good! Hope you're doing ok today too! X
Yep not too bad. I am hungry but there's enough fat on me. Friday I'm panicking about as its my last day in work, in baking cupcakes & I know there's guna be goodies flying left right & centre :doh: then Saturday sees the start of my alcohol infested festively. Must keep the food down.

*1hr body pump
B- shake
L- broccoli, cauliflower, carrots & tsaki dip
D- shake
*cottage cheese & velvet crunch
I'd be hungry on that food too .... looks almost like a JUDDD 'down day'! Hope Friday is easier than you're thinking xx
I hope so too! Weigh in in the morning. Dreading it but I have noticed my belly has become less bloated, at long last! My grandma is taking all us girls out on Saturday for a Christmas lunch. Ill chose wisely though.

I'm sure ill be ok tomorrow. I just have to think ... NYE, clingy dress.

Much the same today.

1hr stump
B- shake
L- broccoli, cauliflower, carrots & piri piri cottage cheese
*cottage cheese with pineapple & velvet crunch
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Doing really well these few days girl! It'll make all the difference to your Xmas weight result! Xx
Weighed in today.
Up 2.5lbs since the 30th nov. (can't update tracker on my phone :() so weighing in at 12st 5.5lbs. A damn site better than the almost 13 it was showing me on Monday!!! :eek: still no sign on my totm tho despite having all the usual feelings. Not complaining just don't like the retention lol

Trying my hardest not to just scoff today. About to have my shake and coffee then an eyebrow wax then back to bake cupcakes for work tonight. Keeping busy should help. I will have a cupcake and my friend is bringing in some other nibbles for work tonight.

It's my last ever shift at the mdec tonight!!!!!! :)

Will post menu up later xxx
Hope that last shift is going ok. I know you can't wait to get out of there but I bet you'll feel a twinge of sadness too ... end of an era and all that. But it's definitely onwards and upwards for you from now on girl!!! :D:D:D xx
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Hope your last shift went well Tanya! Saw those cupcakes on FB they look scrummy :)

Last shift was ok. So very glad to be out of there. Not in the slightest sad, it's all upwards from here.

Christmas has been great. I've had 5 days of alcohol. Food was ok until Xmas day. Been picking lots & lots of alcohol Xmas day. Boxing Day not too bad. My totm arrived Xmas eve so that's helped with the bloating. Today's food been rubbish though. It's all this temptation. I have refused the alcohol though and got into bed at 8:30. Going to body step tomorrow morning then I have a shift starting at 3 so that should keep me occupied. Have a wedding reception Saturday, gym Sunday then it's NYE.

Will be back to recording food probably the 2nd and will probably weigh in on the 11th but may have a sneaky peek to see the damage.

Hope you've all had a lush Christmas :) xxx
You don't sound as though you've been too bad .... In comparison to me anyway! ;) Glad that pesky TOTM turned up in time to ease the bloating - how much worse would you have felt if it hadn't! Bit of animus acne over the holiday though but still ... Xx
WHAT????? Hahahahahaha!!!! 'Animus acne' should say 'nuisance to have' LOL!! Xx
Hahahaaaa is that an iPad typo?! Lol yeah it's been a bad one too as I haven't had one for just over two months.

Step today was pure evil. I felt like I couldn't go on anymore but struggled through.

I don't think I've been that bad but what I've had has been carby. Oh and the damn alcohol.
Yep that was an iPad auto correct .... Classic!

I must say now that I incorporate carbs into my everyday food, extra ones aren't quite so scary! But you do that too .... Perhaps you've had less lately though with having the shakes etc.
It's deffo alcohol that does lots of damage with me ..... Won't change anything though ;)

Doing this on the iPad means I can't see what I'm replying to .... Sure I was gonna say something else but I've forgotten so will just have to do another reply if necessary. Xx
Oh yeah! The step ... I think you're a hero for even going! It must have been really difficult! Xx

Right I'm back. Christmas festives are over and I'm now focused on hitting that magic 10st bracket before June this year. It's doable and I am going to hit it.

Will weigh myself next Friday and assess the Christmas and new year damage.

Hate to say it but I gave in to a mc Donald's yesterday and scoffed a quarter pounder with cheese, a double cheeseburger, fries & 6 chicken nuggets. I'm ashamed!!

However, today I woke up and went straight to step. I was going to run but I figured I may not be able to get to weekly classes for a while when I start the new job on Monday as training is 9-5 so I will run then. Planning stump tomorrow and a run on Friday but I have pulled a muscle this morning in step in my upper thigh and it's very painful ATM so will have to see how that is.

I've done a bit of research and I'm sticking to certain types of food will put a pic up of the foods I'm guna stick to. I got it off a bodybuilding website (not what im intending to do!) but researched foods to drop body fat. Its pretty much what i eat now when im on track tbh. I'm going shopping a bit later on aswell to stock up my fridge again with stuff other than wine & chocolate ;)

Ill be trying to stick to all fresh unprocessed food keeping it all as clean as I can. It's probably going to cost a fortune but I have to do it. I still have some shake powder left over so if on mornings I'm short on time to cook I will make a shake. Not strictly clean but better than nothing or junk.

Wednesday 2nd Jan
*1hr body step
B- nothing
L- pan fried salmon (smidgen of olive oil), wg rice & veg 450
*2tins of tuna 300
D- baked chicken breast, wg rice & veg 519
Total = 1,269
*1.5litres water so far


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Hi Tanya,

Happy new year! Good plan - I'm back on the shakes for a couple of weeks - really don't want to spend the whole of 2013 stressing about my weigh....

I started the C25K plan today 2 x
Ah cool! Like it?

Been shopping. Plan is egg white spinach/ham omelettes for breakfast. Salads for lunch with wg rice if hungry. And meat & veg and sweet pot/wg rice if not had at lunch. I've got melon and apple and cottage cheese for snacks.

I had my interview today for a permanent sergeant role within the specials happy to say I passed but its hard to resist the urge to celebrate with a vodka or two!!!! :eek:
Fab news well done!!!
Well done on the interview yay!

You look like u have a great plan in place there, good luck for weigh in, hopefully it won't be as bad as u think x x