⚜ Strawberry Madness progress diary ⚜

Meals & Drinks

Meal 1: Onken Yogurt 215 Calories
Meal 2: Mushy peas & shape yogurt 293 Calories
Meal 3: Mushy Peas with Pork loin 532 Calories
Meal 4: Shape Yogurt 80 Calories
Meal 5:Onken Yohurt 215 Calories

Water, Tea & Coffee with a spash of skimmed milk 50 Calorie

Think am starting to turn into a yogurt now :p
Only got few hours of sleep today.
Could not get to sleep yesterday so was up for 22 odd hours waiting for the
Needless to say She/he never turned up.. now its going to be rescheduled for monday.

I actually brought my duvet and pillow to the front door and lay there with the laptop just incase i fell asleep i would hear the door

Meals & Drinks

Meal 1: Shape yogurt 80 Calories
Meal 2: Mushy Peas 215 Calories
Meal 3: Pork loin curry (no rice) 454 Calories
Meal 4: Onken Yogurt 215 Calories
Water, Tea & Coffee with a spash of skimmed milk 50 Calorie
Do you not get bored of the same repetitive foods etc they're seems to be little variation or distinction from set meals aka, breakfast dinner tea and snacks

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hey Sm hope your doing well. how many cals you on now? i read you plateud last week, maybe eat a bit more to kick start the weight loss, whenever i stall i increase the calories and lose the next week.xx
hey Sm hope your doing well. how many cals you on now? i read you plateud last week, maybe eat a bit more to kick start the weight loss, whenever i stall i increase the calories and lose the next week.xx

Thanks Rani I had 1600 calories for 3 days then switched back to 1200
On monday the scales read '20st 4lb' Weighed this morning and its now at '19st 13lb'
So hopefully the weightloss has started agian.
I know most of the weighed from the scales was water retention from alot the of salt i had that week.

Not eating any added sodium anymore. just whats in clean food naturaly for the time being.
Hey guys update on me I have seriously fallen off the wagon too many times to count. I am going to have a talk with my SW consultant tomorrow and see if we can work together. We had a chat like two weeks ago and it helped me a little but not much. At the moment I have a runny nose and a bad throat which has been there since Friday so yeah. I have gained a bit of weight and I have NOT been sticking to it I will admit. I am now in a relationship forgot to say with this boy who loves and accepts me just the way I am. It is the same boy that I went on a date with and it will be 8 weeks tomorrow so yeah happy Letresta but not completely yet. College is going well too, it is a lot of work but I am keeping up to my deadlines and handing my work on time for once. Something I never thought I could do. Right now I really need to sort my life out. I hate it right now.

Hope you guys are ok!
Not like me!
Good luck and best wishes guys.
Letresta out x
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Meals & Drinks

Meal 1:Supernoodels & Celery 500 Calories
Meal 2:Supernoodels & Celery 500 Calories
Meal 3:Salad 120 Calories

Water, Tea & Coffee with a spash of skimmed milk 50 Calorie

@Letresta thats fantastic you have found sombody to share with
Must feel really great :)

I wouldent worry about the small amount of weight gain.
It can come off and easy as it went on. Just shows how much of a great time you been having.

Pretty boring today. for me atleast
Need to get shopping in soon though :p
Yep thanks Cas everythings cool
well sleeping pattern is abit messed up, but its all good

Meals & Drinks

Meal 1:Mushy peas 215 Calories
Meal 2:Chicken Breast & Salad 220 Calories
Meal 3:Chicken breast & mushypeas 357 Calories
Meal 4:Mushy peas & Hot chocolate 255 Calories

Water, Tea & Coffee with a spash of skimmed milk 50 Calorie