Gold Member
Thanks hope ur havin nice time
Thanks hope ur havin nice time
It’s gorgeous this afternoon isn’t it. He’s been out and brought me bottle of wineI’m goin to enjoy myself tonigjt bck on plan tomorrow. This will prob be last date night untill hol actually scrap tht it’s wedding anniversary in July haha.
Ye Matlock is alright isn’t it remeinds me of seaside lol
I can't believe I live only an hour away from Matlock but had never been before. It's such a pretty place, yes it reminded me of the seaside as well but without the sea. OMG how many chippys can they fit on one road, lol!
Hope you had a good night on Saturday, did you end up going to Twinlakes?
Ye loads of chippys nice chips aswell.
TwinLakes? Think uv got wrong person lol. We went conkers sat night and been lookin at borrin cars all weekend lol
well the weekend was bad really bad Iv gained 2lb was annoyed earlier but it’s my own fault had a good weekend and the bottle and half of wine on sat and Indian at 11pm did not help lol. It’s done now time to shift this weight.
Today’s plan is to clean then we have a meeting at Olivia’s nursery at 4 so no work for me tonight.
Food wise
Cottage pie
Ye hoping it will be gone by wed. Iv woke up all bloated so that isn’t helping either. So much for me having 1 glass eh lol he brought me a bottle we got taxi there and he brought me another bottle haha. I tell u what I felt well bad yesterday haha .
Well breakfast changed today I woke up fancying choc so I had a choc Fix. This has happened from our convo the other day about Nutella I asked him fetch me some haha.
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The pancake works out 117 not bad but the shake is 360 so wasn’t worth it. I’m stuffed anyway taken cals out for tea tonight and I’m left with 250 for dinner. Crackers and cheese for me hahah
It was tasty next time il ditch the shake and have two pancakes lol I only had 7g of choc on it and it was loads really nice for 40 cals.
The shake was a Nutella one I didn’t add ice cream as was working out to high but without ice cream it’s rubbish not the same at all. I don’t ever fancy milkshakes to be fair I just wanted a Nutella one after our convo the other day. You have to add a lot to taste it so I added 30g but worked out 160 cals not worth it
Haha no it doesn’t does it lol.
The pancakes are 77 each so work out 117 next time I’m goin to have 2 lol. They are filling tho and very yummy so should stick to one really . Nice for afternoon snack aswell if fancy some choc
Ye is sickly but I love it haha I try to just have somethin for around 200 cals for breakfast or go without so I was fine with one. I have been havin 1 crumpet for a while now aswell
So as long as I have somethin I’m happy lol .
I can’t have any veg with tea what a shame haha. Cottage pie is working out at 547 for 1/3 so that will be plenty think will be late one anyway.
Hubby started yesterday haha he’s only goin a week lol. He had cereal for breakfast Mc Donald’s for dinner and chicken with jacket for tea haha. I said bet u loose 10 again he’s like no cause not doing shakes I Cnt get through to him that it’s the same lol . Thing is he may not loose 10 because he’s been good at work all this time so it’s changing evening meal and takeaways and beer , we shall see .
Was the flapjack nice today? Thank god u hadn’t eaten ur banana lol
U watch I bet ur bloke will get a loss men always do don’t they.
Haha tell her add more sugar lol if ur having a treat it’s got be a really good one haha.
Well the Cottage pie didn’t happen. After dinner I kept overthinking which I’m bad for about Olivia goin nursery. It seemed so real and I was sad could of cried. Don’t want my baby to grow up it’s sad. Anyway I went out to keep myself occupied wasn’t helping bein in house. We got back at 3.40 and went straight there. Olivia was shy to start with but loved it and wanted to carry on playing when we had to leave. The staff are lovely and I’m happy she is going there she is going to love it. We came out and went pub for tea haha I think as kind of relieved if that makes sense anyway i needed to de stress I had a pitcher of sex on beach it was yummy, to eat I had chicken skewers with onions and peppers with corn and chips to be fair wasn’t that bad really think burger would of been worse. We then shared a pudding massive ice cream thing.
I’m now feeling hugeI wish I had of known going cause would of gone without all day. On the positive I’m back at the dentist on wed and Iv either got to have root cannel or tooth out so il be traumatised for a few days lol this will stop me eating