Hello dear reader, how are you? I hope your day is going well and you're feeling upbeat! If you're on a weight loss journey like me I wish you the greatest of success, feel free to write a comment as it'd be nice to have a little friends group here and motivate each other 
This small portion of the website I'd like to use to post updates on how my personal self-care journey is going. I will be weighing myself every Sunday, so at minimum there will be one post a week, but I suspect there will be other things that crop up!
Not all of my updates will be about food, exercise or scales, sometimes it will be about being kind to myself and looking after myself better. Because I find that appreciating myself as I am, and small acts of kindness towards myself such as buying myself flowers, keeping the house tidy or taking a soaky bath is very intertwined with what I do to my body.

So, let's get started!

This small portion of the website I'd like to use to post updates on how my personal self-care journey is going. I will be weighing myself every Sunday, so at minimum there will be one post a week, but I suspect there will be other things that crop up!

Not all of my updates will be about food, exercise or scales, sometimes it will be about being kind to myself and looking after myself better. Because I find that appreciating myself as I am, and small acts of kindness towards myself such as buying myself flowers, keeping the house tidy or taking a soaky bath is very intertwined with what I do to my body.

So, let's get started!