Hiya just been reading your diary and we are so similar.Yes im gay as well lol but besides the point.I do not think people realise just how hard it is to be a gay man as you are very much judged on the way you look and it makes you feel like poo, and i think thats what did it for me,although i do not think i am looking for a relationship at the moment i just know that knowone would want me for the way i look ,but i also made the decision in my head 4wks ago to hell with everyone else im doing it for me now so i look good and feel positive about myself. I was like you and used to be slim as i was a semi pro dancer then i got into a relationship that lasted many yrs and you get into that comfortable zone and the weight piled on and i reached nearly 18st ..... i started to lose weight last year and was doing well then a bomb hit and my relationship ended and i looked to food for comfort so i made a decision that i was going to get back to my old self and be thin was again or try to be as slim as i can anyway.I started lossing weight this yr and got down to 15st 13lb and thats when i made the decision to do exante, so i have been on it for 4wks now and just about to start wk 5.Unlike you my body shape is different as i am now 14st 7lbs and i look nothing like you as i still have a bit of a belly and love handles and my ideal weight is about 9st 10lbs, although saying that when i was at my slimest i weighed about 10st 4lbs and i looked to thin so my aim is to get to about 11st-11st 7lbs by the end of the yr.I am hoping to be down to 13st by the end of oct but we will see.But it was great to read your diary and i shall certainly be reading your diary to see how you are progressing, you are doing fantastic so keep up the great work.Please feel free to read up on my diary and keep in touch as i am here if you need advice and support, the link to my diary is in my signature.Thanks for reading