Hello ladies, been a super busy week or so what with doctors, my daughters birthday, my nephews christening and a celebration at Ciaran & Emma's, looks like Lyla is about to have a baby brother or sister.
I am just off out to attend my PIP appointment, can't believe I have to go on a Sunday afternoon and really peed off that I don't get a home visit when my sister who can walk normally and my daughter who can walk normally and my neighbour who can also walk with no problems all got home visits.
My feet are exceptionally bad at mo as are my hands and to top it all off I am having the worst time with my back that I have had in forever.
Still I suppose they will get to see me at my worst rather than waiting for a home visit in which time it could all have cleared up.
I have to say there is a very funny story attached to getting this PIP appointment :giggle:
Friday (1st May) I had 3 phone calls within half hour from a very persistent PPI company, who no matter how much I block them, report them, ask them nicely to leave us alone or am extremely rude to them, still insist on ringing me 5 or 6 times a day and I am just about fed up with it.
So Friday just gone we had 3 phone calls from PPI within half an hour as I said, I needed to go to loo as Mal answered the 3rd one and I said to him as he was telling them we don't need your help etc, to tell them to F off and put the phone down, which he subsequently did. So as I said I went to the loo and was just coming down the stairs when my mobile phone rang, Mal answered it and said to the woman on the other end she is just coming down the stairs if you can hang on I'll pass you to her. At this point my landline phone rang again and Mal answered it and said oh she's on the other line at the moment so can you call her back in about 10 minutes please.
So I take the phone from Mal and this woman says to me hello Mrs Watson I am from PPI and I am ringing about your claim, at which point I completely lost it, I was swearing like a navvie and telling her I was sick to the back teeth of them (during which time she never said a word) keep ringing and they need to F*** off and stop pestering and I then switched the phone off.
As I put the phone down Mal said to me what did the woman from the PIP want..........I said "the PIP?" no she was from PPI bloody nuisances...he said no she said she was from ATOS the PIP people

, at which point my home phone rang again .....
Mal answered it and passed it to me saying it's Robert from ATOS- PIP he was laughing his head off and I asked him very sheepishly if I had just spoken to a lady colleague of his and had I told her to F*** off at which point he laughed his head off and said yes but don't worry we get it all the time, so I apologised to her and made my appointment for today lol
Anyways I will come back asap and let you know how I got on, but for now I have to finish getting dressed and get out the door ...ttfn xxx:hug99:xxx