hmm, interesting!
no time just now to read further, but i will tonight when i get in from work. then i'll let you know what i think.
I think you need to get a hobby! Right seriously, you've been successfully losing on Atkins so you know it works. Why would you want to change something that works? I can't see your sig or stats at the mo as I'm on my phone is it because you've stalled or something ?
I really understand you researching into the details - but tbh it just all sounds a bit complicated to me.

Maybe try and trick yourself into thinking you've never done Atkins before and do strict induction and see if it kickstarts you again - so no more shakes or pitta bread! I'm sure that will make a difference xx
If you have specific questions on the technical stuff of Atkins you can email company representative Colette Heimowitz on the official site, The Atkins Community. She and others there are surprisingly helpful and usually very candid because they are there to promote the 'book' versions of Atkins and not the 'candy bar company' that the manufacturing side is often accused of having become. Hopefully she or another can give you some answers.

And yes please give yourself a break from this obsessive research! LOL.
I am just reading the atkins book quickly for you and there is a section called "what to do when you're not losing" or something to that effect and it suggests a very high fat approach for a week or so before induction. Could be worth a look? I can email you details if need be.

Also maybe do a clean induction week without shakes and stuff. I know this is alot easier said than done because I am struggling with this myself

Hope I can help!
Also, we all have different ways of getting through this, and if researching is what works then crack on!
Thanks everyone. I haven't stalled. I've just been an idiot for a few months and regained a bit. Now i'm looking back at lost time and wanting to get back to where I was asap, hence looking at ultra high fat! I will just have to put it behind me and restart induction (which I have today).

Seeing family in 14 weeks and i'll probably only be 1 stone lighter than last time even though it has been 6 months. Just gutted really.

Thanks all.

I gained 1.5 stone between March and May so you're not the only one - don't worry. To be fair though I was eating a lot of rubbish, hence coming back to low carb until I get to a decent BMI.

It's difficult when you have a lot to lose because you keep pushing your limits. I remember I went from 19 stone and got to 16.5 and I kept pushing myself to get to the 15s. In the end it got too much and went back to 17s.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is don't put pressure on yourself like I did :)
I've just been an idiot for a few months and regained a bit...Seeing family in 14 weeks and i'll probably only be 1 stone lighter than last time even though it has been 6 months. Just gutted really.

Oh you made me smile James, because it completely mirrors what I've done. Lost nearly 3 stone without a problem, then - was it boredom, or wanting to speed things up? - I started experimenting with low carb FFs, started backsliding and slowly put weight back on :cry:

Now I read success stories like ber and wonder what I've done with the last six months! :eek:

Time to get back to basics and remember that it's not going to come off quickly after a certain time. You up for a 14 week challenge?
For what its worth , i think your being a bit harsh on yourself ! , your not an idiot , you are human !!

Research if that makes you happy , but keep in mind that each and every body is different to the next , what works for one person will stall the next , you have lost a shed load of weight , remember how you did it and you will drop the small regain in no time xx
Good advice Ber - maybe we're in too much of a hurry and still have the dieter's head on - "quick result or I'm off!" :)
See I think you've hit the nail on the head there lady , we all want the weight to just fall off , which would be great BUT we didnt get this big in one year / whatever timeframe apply's , so we cant expect to lose it in the same period . We have a lifetime ahead of us to eat , shrink and be merry !! , so take each day as a fresh start and BELIEVE that we will get there , and we will all be lauging at the end of our journey.

Now , where's that wine :D
James you have to remember you have been through some personal **** recently ........... so give yourself time ............. ok thats enough back on tomorrow !! xx
Oh and could you research altitude and cramp for me please? We are about 2000 ft above sea level and I shot out of bed this morning with a full leg cramp! Oucheee!
oh didn t realise cant say **** x
Hey james - please do keep pointing out the research, fascinating and useful for those old atkins arguments!;)

Agree that wheni have a slow week i get more grumpy - but definitely would rather slow and steady and maintainable! It's tough to get myself to agree tho;)