Gold Member
I have work-out to give away. Any offers 
Dont know is it because of my late night walk with bad shoes or first 500 swing day yesterday but my back is sore. I need to get myself together and push myself to do todays sets.
There was comment to measure before work out , I did that and I went one step further. I let my hubby to film my last set of 25 swing 3 push ups and 50 swing. Will do this videos every week. For 5 weeks in row. To see shanges
and im so sure I will see changes …
… if only I could get my soft spot out of sofa right now
Dont know is it because of my late night walk with bad shoes or first 500 swing day yesterday but my back is sore. I need to get myself together and push myself to do todays sets.
There was comment to measure before work out , I did that and I went one step further. I let my hubby to film my last set of 25 swing 3 push ups and 50 swing. Will do this videos every week. For 5 weeks in row. To see shanges
… if only I could get my soft spot out of sofa right now