10,000 steps challenge

Aww you all sound like you're gonna be having fab days.

Tomorrow I will be del boy as I'm doing a boot sale selling all our baby stuff x

By tomorrow night you will be millionaires ;-) x
Has everybody had a good Sunday? X
Good evening. Today was reasonable we got 87 after paying out for the pitches so 40 for hubby and I and the girls got 7.

Steps wise


How's your day been hunni? X

Awwww that's fab news Sweetie! On the AP and £ side!

I had a fab day in London. I earned myself 2AP and lost my Nando's Virginity and only used 1 Weekly in the process! X
Awwww that's fab news Sweetie! On the AP and £ side!

I had a fab day in London. I earned myself 2AP and lost my Nando's Virginity and only used 1 Weekly in the process! X

That sounds like a resounding successful day! I do love London which is lucky cos I work there ha ha ha x
That sounds like a resounding successful day! I do love London which is lucky cos I work there ha ha ha x

Do you? Which part do you work in? Do u live in Kent? X
I work about 5mins from Tower of London, off lower Thames Street. I'm in Essex about 15mins from QE2 bridge x

Do u get the train in? I'd love to work in London! X
Yeah I get c2c which is ideal as it takes about 45mins to get into work. I've worked in London since I left college. Actually I've worked in my building for most of my career (moved to a different building for a year) but came ba back lol

Would like to work local but can't find the right job. I'm hoping to go term time in a few years and my work does do term time
Yeah I get c2c which is ideal as it takes about 45mins to get into work. I've worked in London since I left college. Actually I've worked in my building for most of my career (moved to a different building for a year) but came ba back lol

Would like to work local but can't find the right job. I'm hoping to go term time in a few years and my work does do term time

Term Time would be good :) Im not too sure what Im going to do, haven't figured that bit out yet! X
I went back to work when both my girls were 9 months old. I'm very lucky as I have a great childminder.

I've been looking at school jobs but to get the right one is so hard. Hence asking to go term time at work. I probably won't go term time until my youngest is in school in two years time.

How many kiddies do you have? X
I went back to work when both my girls were 9 months old. I'm very lucky as I have a great childminder.

I've been looking at school jobs but to get the right one is so hard. Hence asking to go term time at work. I probably won't go term time until my youngest is in school in two years time.

How many kiddies do you have? X

I think it's so much easier once you know u have a childminder u can trust! I just have one daughter, she's 5 and will go into Year 1 in September, I have been back to work 3 times since I have had her and each time I've had to give up due to health reasons, everything never quite fits into place lol x
Thanks Sweetie :) Will report back, fingers crossed my. 13AP in 4 ( Well really 5) days pays off! X

Good Luck Sweetie :) LOVE my pedometer! X

Bought my ww pedometer should be here in a couple of days woohooo :) been doing between 5k and 6k a day building it upto 10k :) xx