100 miles (wii fit Jogging)

Today is the day everyone,
feel free to post what you have done each time, or if you are not here everyday then post when you can....

well, my start hasnt got off to what i wanted!!!! Im currently in bed, as i have been now for a while with a temp of 38.9!!!!! (102ish) i feel like crap!!!!!!
Oh Kes, poor you, I hope you feel better soon. I've taken the plunge and had a go at the free jogging ... and survived (just!).
Total so far:
1st May - approx 500m (on short jogging game)
2nd May - approx 1000m (on long distance jogging game)
3rd May - 5380m :) Completed in two separate 10 minute free jogging sessions. I'm dead chuffed as only a week ago I was in need of resuscitation after the short jogging game - and I didn't even get to follow the dog :8855: So, total so far in May for me is 6880m:D Thanks Kes, without this challenge I would never have believed in myself enough to give it a go.
Good luck to everyone else - can't wait to see how we all get on.
right sorting out kids for bed, putting on the Wii and going for a Jog xxx :D gonna get cracking on this 100 miles(160km) great start landy sparkly and feel better soon Kes xxx
well i am feeling better. and im 3.74klms in! woop woop.
going to do another big stint tonight (not that im throwing myself back into it right after being ill or anything ! lol....

so good luck to those doing it, well done to those who started on time.
and thankyou for all your well wishes!!!
Thanks Kes, without this challenge I would never have believed in myself enough to give it a go.
Good luck to everyone else - can't wait to see how we all get on.

well im glad that its made you believe in yourself a little more!!!!!
hey kes ill try & do this im 5 days late but ill catch up , pls will get me using my wii fit which i really should do :) xx
Wed 5th May - 5.16km
Total 17.48km
146.52km to go
Survived the 20min free jogging today for the first time! Not particularly fast, but hopefully I'll get better as the month progresses.
Great to have you join us PiiNK_PuNkStarr x
yes thankyou for joining us piink....

i did some more last night.

im not going to be doing anymore for a day or two though. ive got a migrane, and my head is thumping.....
i cant even walk up and down some stairs let alone jog....

hope everyone is doing ok...
I did advanced jogging for the first time!

So a total of 2km :D. It's a good job I don't need to make it somewhere in a hurry...

Do other people wear trainer for the jogging bit? I normally go bare foot for the Wii, but we have wooden floors and the jogging seems to hurt my lower back a bit.

Hope your migraine is better Kes, I have only had a few and they are awful.
hello all i do a hour ( 2 - 30 mins) free jog on my wii fit plus everyday , i really enjoy it, just wanted to say hello to everyone and keep on jogging:)
Thursday 5th May - 5.58km
20 minute free jogging today, and I managed further than yesterday :)
Total 23.06km
140.94km to go
I'm going away tomorrow morning for the weekend, so won't be able to do any until Monday. And I'll be eating out at Wagamamas so will struggle to keep the diet going too! Good luck to everyone else with the challenge.
Well done Maynie - keep going! Less than two weeks ago I couldn't do the beginners jogging short lap, and am now able to attempt the 20mins free jogging ... The island lap is definitely do-able, give it a go ... you can always press pause mid-way round to gain your breath ;)